Thank you for the post. I am presently preparing and will be doing a post on Friday on the subject of pornography.

Paul wrote, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” When we believe in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, over time our life is meant to be transformed, so that we can be like Christ. However, the sad reality is that pornography has a vice-like grip on us.

59% of pastors said that married men seek their help for porn use.

57% of pastors say porn addiction is the most damaging issue in their congregation.

69% say porn has adversely impacted the church.

May I suggest these figures are on the low side, as members are too ashamed to come forward for help and pastors don’t want to say that their church is being impacted.

However, the Good News of Jesus Christ, the gospel message for us today, is that we can find freedom from the bondage of pornography.

I will be repeating this announcement on Wednesday.

I hope you will find the post worthwhile. God bless you and have a great day. Robert

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OT: Ultraidiot Dean Phillips suggests that Kathy Hochul should pardon the PAB "for the good of the country". Given that the PAB shows no remorse for his criminal activity and continues to to proclaim he is "very innocent" Dean Phillips SHOULD JOIN HIM in jail.

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Hang on hang on hang on, are you saying that people who lack empathy tend to do multiple things that require a lack of empathy? Who saw that one coming?

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NSM-131 can be read as MS-13, and I thought that Republicans horripilate when they hear that combination of letters and numbers.

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There have yet to be any actual studies proving that neo-Nazis are more likely than the general population to possess CSAM… well, are the neo-Nazis also youth pastors?

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Don't tell me you did nazi see this coming.

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I live in RI. And the son of a close friend belonged to that group. He was creepier than creepy. And he was busted by the FBI in New Hampshire after posting nudies of his toadstool to a "13 year old girl" who turned out to be a 39 year old FBI man.

They agreed to meet in a hotel room in NH. He brought flowers, vodka, Viagra, and a stuffed Winnie the Pooh. He was busted and is now serving 16 years in a federal prison.

And my dear friend won't talk to anyone anymore. She won't answer calls, texts, etc. I send her cards. Not often. Just to let her know I love her no matter what.

I hate these perverts. Such hypocrites! And destroying everyone around them.

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Or because they are more...stupid?

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Apparently Nazis and CSAM go together like Libertarians and Seasteading... and CSAM.

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"Now, take a moment and imagine literal neo-Nazis thinking that they are the authority on what children ought to be exposed to..."

It's not hard to imagine. REAL Nazis, the historical kind, were very big on indoctrinating children. You might call that a fundamental principle, right up there with genocidal hatred and hardening the Aryan race through eternal war. Why would anyone think that neo-Naxis would be any different? Their online fora are certainly full of that obsession.

And yeah, in the absence of actual data, I consider that a reason to suspect that neo-Nazis DO have a stronger prevalence of grooming behavior and CSAM than the general public. Though not Incels, they are deeply into the same sexual notions. Though not (generally) embracing actual pedophilia, they are very much believers in "ephebephilia," the desire for post-puberty but still very underage girls, and the moral rightness of such relationships. In the absence of hard data, I would EXPECT an unusually high number of neo-Nazis to engage in prepubescent grooming, or want to do it, in anticipation of making her ready as soon as she starts to become a woman. I'd discard that hypothesis if real data disproved it, but until then I'd assume that it's probably true.

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I also think it's that people drawn to angry, violent, seethingly hateful cults are people who are themselves very immature, childish, and powerless. So for that reason as well, they are drawn to even more helpless, powerless people they know they can control and dominate, it makes them feel more powerful.

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If guys like these are predating on children, why aren't THEY applying for story-time hours, huh Liberals? Answer me that! No, it's only the people who DON'T want to fuck kids who are trying to be around them! Checkmate, Lie-berals!

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Strom was a major figure in the National Alliance, the group of William Pierce, author of the notorious Turner Diaries. Strom founded National Vanguard after Pierce died and the new NA leadership expelled him. I used to run into him on rec.radio.shortwave and other places on Usenet. Compared to some of his fellow Usenet Neonazis he was actually able to post without sounding like he was irrational or always foaming at the mouth. But he was still obviously a Neonazi.

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The lead singer for the Dropkick Murphys also challenged these particular nazis to meet to fight at the park, and none of the nazis showed up to rumble... bunch 'o pussies. ❤️🍀

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My neighborhood is home to both the city's largest Jewish community and its largest Muslim community, so naturally the white supremacists thought they would hold a rally in our park. Word got out, and by the time of their event the park was full of grey-haired old folk with anti-racist placards and anti-fascists with baseball bats. The fash took one look and sped on by. They are cowards, and generally prefer to get fighty when their buddies on the police force are there to back them up.

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I long for the good old days when nazi scumbags couldn't show their ugly faces in public without getting their asses beat into mush.

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All the hard work local anti-fascists did to drive those scum out of the city undone by one guy....

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Scum attracts scum. And they are all lower than whale shit.

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And far less useful than whale shit besides.

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did he ever return / no he never returned / and his fate is still unknown...

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He rides forever/ 'neath the streets of Boston/ the skinhead who never returned!!!💖🍀

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[Surprised Pikachu GIF]

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Unless, you know, they’re being entirely disingenuous and don’t actually care about “the children.”

Oh, they care, all right. Especially when they jack off to fantasizing about raping them.

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize” - re-shitted by FElon.

Who of course tries to rule over everyone who criticizes him, but as he's just a putz with a broken antisocial media site he's shit out of luck.

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It's beginning to feel as if Melon Husk is getting pretty close to trash-posting the kind of thing that will get his tech confiscated.

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Says the guy that used to sack people for not agreeing with him in work chats.

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As someone who has never had a cellphone or stupidphone, I have been talking about media being antisocial for years. I survive this curse by talking to people on the telephone and communicating with them in person, which I am told is how people used to communicate before Elon, Mark and Jeff put their gonads in a vise.

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LOVE the "antisocial" word.

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