so when he does act on his beliefs, and goes bundespostal, will they charge the judge with conspiracy?

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Parts of it, yes. We're mostly sane here in Portland. Well, not the fascist assholes with knives on public transportation. But the rest of us.

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No, she's in the Lepton Lizards

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Duh. How are you going to defend against government tyranny without anti-aircraft weapons? Does the government have aircraft? Liberals!

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Oh, come on! Tactical nukes or GTFO!!!

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I think you misspelled tranny, FWIW.

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So extremist white supremacist goes to extremist muslim zealot...anyone else thinking that an honest history lesson might have helped at some point?

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if beer cans start peering out my window i'm sure i'll be scared too.

[ don't be scared until they start peering (or pissing) in your window ]

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this buttwipe doesn't want me as his judge . . . if i have to squeeze someone's head three times to get an honest reply...(rest of comment redacted to comply with rules)

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Well given that Tampa is home to the United States Central Command based out of MacDill AF Base I'd say that we are pretty used to tanks and anti-aircraft missiles around here. *sigh* This isn't the craziest story to come out of Tampa but it does kind of put a damper on 4th of July plans.

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So when this guy injures or kills someone, can we call for the judge to get thrown off the bench?

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People of the extremist persuasion can easily trade one extreme position for another equally extreme. It's not so much the content as the extremism that they find convivial.

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Why, it's almost like all religious extremists are the same, or something.

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I know little about the Arthurs case other than the articles I've read, but his explanation (and so far it seems we only have his word for it) struck me as horseshit. Is there the remotest shred of evidence of his religious conversion other than his say-so? I mean, "Allah Mohammed" - REALLY? That's almost up there with "Allah snack-bar". I suspect his real motive was much more prosaic.

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Sounds like Judge McCoun is one of them good ole Southern Xian boys who don't believe in judgin someone else's asparagus if he happens to be a good ole Xian criminal. "Doan't want the Load to be a judgin me by the way I done judged somebody else," said the jurist, adding, "even if it WAS what I was supposed to earn my paycheck from the citizuns."

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While I hadn't read the May 23 story with the "Allah Mohammad" detail (yeesh! I wish I had, because that's just more proof everyone in the house was nuts), I'd like to think it's pretty clear I was already more than a tad skeptical about the sincerity of any neo-Nazi suddenly becoming a devout Muslim and then shooting his roommate. That's why the paragraph starts with "Why, yes, the story does get even WTF-er."

If, in the context of a story about a Tim McVeigh admirer with a small arsenal, on a humor blog that's explicitly anti-Nazi, someone misreads my sarcastic "it should be clear from this narrative that Islam makes people become violent deranged killers" as a straightforward statement, then no amount of hedging and reminders that average Muslims aren't deranged Nazi loons is likely to help.

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