A group of neo-Nazis had to cancel a planned demonstration in the southwest German city of Freiburg Saturday after they mistakenly boarded the wrong train and ended up in Mannheim, a good 123 miles away.
I found St Pauli by googling for far-left German football fans, but they seem to have been playing the Danish club Silkeborg at home on Saturday. Freiburg were at home to Eintracht, but Wikipedia is silent on the politics of those teams' supporters. That the Grauniad didn't mention the team is another reason for C.P. Scott to spin in his grave.
Say, you know who <i>else</i> held rallies in Germany? Oh wait. This story is pre-Godwin&#039;ed. So ... um ... um ... how about that game, eh?
Ain&#039;t nuthin! Them crazy-ass Byzantines had a sportsball/political riot that killed 30k!
I never knew Murmeltier. Thanks.
haha ha haahahahah ahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhh*clunk*
When the rally is rescheduled, the Polizei need to get Lebeau and Kinchloe to create a diversion.
this is the best story.
I found St Pauli by googling for far-left German football fans, but they seem to have been playing the Danish club Silkeborg at home on Saturday. Freiburg were at home to Eintracht, but Wikipedia is silent on the politics of those teams&#039; supporters. That the Grauniad didn&#039;t mention the team is another reason for C.P. Scott to spin in his grave.
&#039;Cause we all really hate Illinois Nazis...
Der Berliners make the dirtiest movies.
Nutzis is da kwaaaziest peoples!
Came here for the Blues Brothers; got the Blues Brothers. I&#039;m leaving happy.
But the trains were on time, of course.
But the trains were on time, amirite?
Train A full of Neo-Nazis is travelling to Mannheim at 85 km/hr...
Say, you know who <i>else</i> held rallies in Germany? Oh wait. This story is pre-Godwin&#039;ed. So ... um ... um ... how about that game, eh?
It was worth watching. I learned that 50% of land sharks can dance.
Sen. Chuck Grassley on PBS Newshour just now and he&#039;s an idiot.