An obituary will be okay.

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They think the Stalin-Hitler Pact is still in force.

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Sad, but true.Anglin may not become president, but a high-ranking man in the Ministry of Truth or the Ministry of Love, because he's "very fine people."

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Somebody read it to them.I have a pal who hated his school so much, his senior thesis was as follows: "George Orwell's 1984: Blueprint for a glorious future."Most of it was sarcastic attacks on the principal and the assistant principal.

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Well, there was, according to a neo-Nazi of Ukrainian origin I used to have to deal with over on SPLC. He changed names and even sexes on his avatars, but spouted the same drivel over and over again: that Stalin kidnapped millions of Germans after WW2 to have them mate with gorillas to create a race of monkey-men to win World War III against the Americans.Of course, he also said the sun traveled around the Earth....

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That was Monty Pythonesque! Well played gentleperson! Well played indeed!

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Where he came from? His mother's womb is too small for that mass of hot air.

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Some kind of Fred, you hit it on the head.But what did the Elbonians do?

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The most interesting part of this for Fields is when he is an older man and realizes that he has been totally forgotten and the world has passed him by...not even any more letters from neo-Nazi fans. His family has already jettisoned him.

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Looking forward to her new films:"The Prada Mile""Birdwomen of Alcatraz""The Shawskank Redemption"

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Thank you for that

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My guess is that he's got a nice VPN and he's spoofing his IP to LOOK like he's in some far off land instead of his Dad's basement with the windows blacked out.

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Yeah, they will probably never see a penny. As I understand it, the fascist has skipped the country and has probably been a shiftless loser his entire life. No money, no assets.

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Andrew Auernheimer (aka Weev) is even more Deplorable than Anglin.



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Of course he is...my pals had cyberstalkers who did the same thing to avoid detection.

One guy blatantly impersonated people right here on DisQus...used their avatar, used their information on their profile page, and spouted the most horrific racist drivel. Then he'd report "himself" under his OTHER account, and the target would get the blame.

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Not only is Andrew Anglin is a scared punk. a short dude, he is a mental midget as well. Sad.

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