The gun Nutjob is brandishing in the top picture is the horrible Taurus Judge. It shoots a .410 shotshell or a 45 Long Colt. They suck balls and it tells me she's not even a competent gun loon.

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Good thing for her nobody at French customs and immigration has the internets and can read what...oh, wait. What? they do? they do have the internet in France? Even the google?? Well then. Don't book that tour of the loo-ver just yet honey.

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Sounds more like a snapping turtle getting ready to lay her eggs.

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Trump's running mate, people. Get ready for more word salad and starbursts.

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Standard answer: AOT,K."Blacken out" sounds like she's trying to fill in the bubbles on a scanned standardized test. Or coloring in someone's teeth on a photo.

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Argh that grin. Batman will likely mistake her for the Joker and take her out.

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On the other hand, let's not fuck up the appeal of victory rolls . . .

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Fiore should boob bomb ISIS in Syria.

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Charlie Hebdo also thinks dead Syrian refugees and peaceful Egyptian terrorists are hilarious. Funny that they didn't think that dead Parisians were hilarious, but then, WHITE.

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Er, the fascists just won the regional elections in France. One-L will fit in just fine with Marine Le Pen.

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Poor, dumb Michele. How is she going to get her arsenal on the plane? Does she realize that Paris is in France, and that France is in Europe? Is this imbecile, advocating for the dimise of kid refugees? Is she only killing the adults? Why do these assholes keep on getting elected? What the fuck is wrong with voters in this country??

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Indeed, on all counts.

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Far be it from me to rain on anyone's parade, but if Michele flies to Paris and starts killing brown people of any sort, won't she spend the rest of her life in a French jail?

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Attention French Police: please throw her in jail before she kills anyone, kthxbai.

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Vogons: nastier than GOP? Hard to say.

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