It was for Max.

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OOh. I was so disappointed by that novel. Then I found out where Heller took Catch-22's premise from. Good Soldier Schweik.

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Obviously, it'll be a German Shepherd .

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I think it's rather obvious that every election not specially vouched for by teh Donny, is by definition rigged. It's simple math.

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yes, she posed with her guns and family( in that order) for a Christmas card

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That gives me an idea, maybe Republican primaries should be fought out Hunger Games style

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Brighter (lights), actually. Which is hardly the case.

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He’s barely pulling even to the guy that is actively trying to kill his constituents? Beto needs to find a new hobby, losing elections to pathetic incumbents isn’t really working for him. Maybe he can pull it off, but I’m doubting it.

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That photo says it all. They are Conservaturds first (and who knows what that stands for) and Republicans second. Whatever else they call themselves, however, they are not for a United States.

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Hey, in the olden days when you had to make an offering to get the favor of your god you usually had to travel somewhere exotic to do it.

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He's a Mormon favorite, classic!

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Still the rat-eyed little puke laughing along with the bullies when they taunt him.

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Voting against this man was one of my happiest acts as a Las Vegan, and I got laid a lot in those two years.

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Rote, rote, rote. The only way. That and those pencil boxes that were sort of like slide rules for times tables. You're too young :)

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