Julius Caesar ?

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says the man who has reason to note it.

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Speaking *as* one of Assemblyman Wheeler's constituents, he can go soak his head in the nearest water trough. Then again, with a Legislature that only meets every other year, his ability to actually do damage is minimal, while his capacity for idiocy nears infinity.

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There are Republicans who don't support the bigot-mission that the tea party has become. They are total pussies for not confronting the problem head on.

They should be marginalizing those people within their party and not cowering in a corner not speaking because they are afraid of being called a "RINO" or socialist. A RINO these days is a normal person who doesn't buy into the mean spirited, bigoted and Rush/Fox spewed crap, someone who might want some fiscal responsibility that doesn't include pulling safety nets and fucking over the poors. Someone who isn't a bigot. But they continue to nod and remain silent rather than sucking it up, confronting the wingnuts and running them out of town.

The politicians are terrified to do it lest they lose all of that sweet church and special interest money now being hoovered up by the wingnuts. They are going to hold off doing anything until their elections and then see which way the wind blows.

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You can lead a horse to water, but it is illegal to shoot it in the head, even if it desperately needs it...

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He'd vote for slavery even if only 3/5's of his constituents supported it.

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He should look for Thirteen Amendment solutions to that question.

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Sarah Palin*. _________________________ * based on half of self-selected sample of Real Americans™; MOE +/- 100%.

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<i>The media is having a good time with a clearly facetious statement I made in a town hall meeting earlier this year.</i>

Well, the wingnut and tea-tard contingencies have kinda gift-wrapped all that shit by declaring war on every minority, woman and gay person whenever they have the chance.

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This is *another* example of the mean spirited, bigoted dickheads that somebody out there is electing. If he is in office, a whole lot more like him are in the wild.

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“I suppose that if your constituents wanted you to jump off of a cliff you would.”" *

*Jim Wheeler’s mother.

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So, if the kid who takes my order at Taco Bell is just there to take orders and do as he's told, why aren't you making minimum wage too?

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