It's possible, maybe even probable, that more people who identify as politically conservative own firearms than those who identify as liberal, but you make the same mistake far-right Rambo-fantasts make while imagining their apocalyptic and/or "Civil War II- The Risening" scenarios: liberals don't own firearms. They do, by the millions. I also note that should far-right nut jobs, or radical leftists for that matter, ever get organized enough to cause real trouble, there will be more than enough people from across the ideological spectrum to push back.

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Tennessee Lt. Governor Some Asshole (R) has come to the conclusion in order to protect themselves from the War on Christmas all Good Christians must step up their gun buying frenzies to Black Friday Walmart levels. As every schoolchild knows the only way to beat a Bad Guy with 35 guns is a Good Guy with 36 guns. And the helpful gun merchants are passing the savings on to YOU!


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I wouldn't say that liberals are gun-free, though conservatives are most definitely more likely to own a weapon. It's just that liberals aren't brain free.

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Liberals aren't the ones claiming that mass shootings could be solved if places weren't "gun-free zones." Sorry, UCC was not a "gun-free zone." While not a state school, it does receive government funds, it's a public school. Under Oregon law, concealed carry permit holders are allowed to carry their weapons in public places, regardless of any local law or school policy to the contrary. That's why there were multiple armed veterans on campus that day.

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Also too, stop Internet stalking me. It's creepy and pathetic.

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I contend that these shootings are allowed to continue because of the pitiful lack of ninjas in this country. Has anyone noticed that these terrible tragedies always seem to occur in ninja-free zones. Imagine a shooter trying this kind of thing in a school protected by an army of silent deadly killers. He'd find a throwing star up his ass before he could get off the first shot.

The proof is obvious. Just look at the almost nonexistent number of these kinds of incidents in Japan where there are ninjas around every corner. Granted, they don't have as many guns, but as ninjas themselves prove, you don't need a gun to kill people.

This is why I propose that we install a ninja army in every school in the country. The cost would be minimal because ninjas work cheap - a bowl of rice, a place to sleep and you've got a happy ninja. Furthermore, I propose that we allow teachers to train as ninjas. That way when violence breaks out, Professor Samuels can slip into his mask and disappear, becoming an invisible deadly killer. The shooters won't stand a chance.

Of course, there's always the chance that I'm wrong and this won't do shit to solve the problem. In the unlikely event that that happens, we can just arm the crap out of everybody and let them have at it. Either way it's a win-win.

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Yeah, total coincidence that you show up on this thread after your latest comment to me on AATTP got deleted. I also notice you've failed to back up your claim that UCC was a gun-free zone with any facts.

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I ran into a nutcase yesterday who was foaming at the mouth about how all Americans should be armed all the time. I asked him if he was suggesting that all those 1st graders at Sandy Hook should have been packing. He began to lecture me and the small crowd that had gathered on how Sandy Hook never happened, and how it was all faked by the Democrats and the President so as to pass draconian gun laws and send the National Guard to our houses to confiscate all our guns and then declare Martial Law. People were actually listening to him. WHY are there so many crazy people spouting these insane conspiracy theories these days? You almost never ran into these people 40 years ago. Today they are crawling out of the woodwork, and otherwise sane people are actually starting to believe some of their bullshit. I don't get it. Is everyone brain dead? Is there something in our water supply? Is everyone eating at McDonald's too often?

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At some point, I wish these people would develop an image of America that is not straight out of The Rifleman.

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When ninjas are outlawed only outlaws will be ninjas!

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how does she even aim with those fun bags in the way?

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I think that was only in Florida (gun ownership seems to be mandatory in Florida so they were just trying to save the doctor time in asking a stupid question.)

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possibly what it's named for

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plastic women do nothing for me (not just because I'm female)but I guess I'm not in the demographic buying cialis

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just like "Fiorina"

"mai i fiori che faccio, ahime', non hanno odore"

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