Do you even know who he is??? Wait...

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Yeah, the only appearance-related jibe I ever found even slightly in-bounds was the one about the hair and make-up people at the View clearly disliking her (since she frequently looks quite lovely in other settings).

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Her claim to that "half of the country" is laughable, she'll be first against the wall once they realize how duped they've been by her kind.

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I just find it heartbreaking that pretending half the country doesn’t exist won’t make them disappear. Come on God, do something for us for once.

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I wasn't disappointed in the final season of GOT at all! I'm always disappointed in Megs McCabe she never knows when to shut her mouth. They just need to put out some snacks on the table, Megs would never talk cause she would be too busy eating. And that's not fat shaming because you can't fat shame a person who has no shame.

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"you can't fat shame a person who has no shame"

Perhaps not, but you can make the rest of us fatties feel like crap at yet another slam at someone's weight. Give it a rest. She has plenty of character flaws to attack. Her weight/appearance should not be.

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Why haven't they replaced her with Ana Navarro yet?

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Her husband is in the Federalist Society. She's got a-hole culture dominating the house.

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Do you know who I am?!

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I think her ancestors came over on the Santa Monica or the Pinata or something.

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I came to this thread hoping to see some of Meghan McCain old boob shots. My disappointment is boundless.

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My daughter used to do this. I would listen to what she had to say; summarise it back to her to ensure I had understood her point correctly; disagree; and explain why.

She would snarl back "YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME!!!!!!" and make exactly the same argument, in the same words, at three times the original volume. In her world, "listening " to her meant agreeing with her.

In her defence, she was six. Apparently Megan hasn't grown past that stage.

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Find a conservative who can articulate a point,

THIS. I have a FB friend who's more Right than me, and it's genuinely interesting and instructive to ask him to explain his position on various issues.

For instance; he's hostile to Great Thunberg, not bc he doesn't accept climate change, but bc he's concerned the climate change message is being hijacked by "radical" political groups. He worries that these groups will conceal some genuinely unsavoury policies in the Trojan Horse of climate change action, and voters will be so eager to embrace the CC policies they won't notice the other policy dumpster fires. He worries that praise of Greta is an easy "greenwashing" technique, so he does what he can to discredit her and deprive her image of that mystique.

It's actually a valid concern! I disagree with how he's handling it (he should be encouraging the mainstream parties to adopt cc action policies, because atm concerned voters have nowhere to go but the fringes), but he articulated his reasons to me and I understand a different point of view. That's really fucking important for closing this widening and incredibly dangerous gap between the Left and Right of politics.

Shows like the fucking View are nothing but clickbait, and making the situation steadily worse.

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thats such a dumb aanalogy that others grew up poor. mccain is talking about intellectual diversity?

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Woh! I thought that was Rodan.

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Unless you are Megs McCabe the comment does not apply to you so don't take it personally. I'm not the least bit slim and it didn't make me feel like crap. I thought it was funny and still do.

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