
Republicans will vote that down in an instant. (They're much like El Fistula in that respect.)

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Shorter NYC version: "Life's a bitch, and then you die."

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Teabagger candidate for public office ought to be a good match, and the Koch brothers pay well.

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i hope i die before i get old.

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Soylent Green is made from PEOPLE!

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Yeah, leave me at least one on the shelves already, jerk!

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Trader Joe's cat food tuna is top notch relatively speaking.

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mmmmmm smoked cheeseburgers.

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Like anyone other then the wealthyz is going to live until 76. Lol.

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I keep hoping by the time I retire we'll have single-payer healthcare and even distribution of wealth so those other problems will take care of themselves.

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And people made fun of Alan Grayson for that "Die Quickly" statement, not knowing it was a jobs program.

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Sounds to me like it all works out: you're retired (well, technically, unemployed) in your 20s and 30s, when you can enjoy it; while you're working in your 60s and 70s, when you couldn't do much with the free time anyway. Win-win.

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