Words - pshaw! You can't take anything seriously that a candidate <i>says.</i> Everybody knows that. Mistuh Romney looks just like the guys who play the President in a big Hollywood movie.

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He already does so in some of the down-ticket races. And he did so in spades in 2010. I don't know about you, but I hail him because he is thorough and demonstrably accurate, not because he makes predictions I like.

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Wow, you're angry. Just seething with frustrated entitlement and fear.

Quit it. You're just fulfilling the stereotype of us white guys.

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Las Vegas. The money is already semi-detached from the visiting punters.

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<blockquote>General Casey: [talking on phone] Hello? This is General Casey. I get to meet the Martian Ambassador! Ain't that great? Oh, it's a hell of an honor. But didn't I always tell you honey, if I just stayed in place and never spoke up, good things are bound to happen.</blockquote>

(That's not entirely fair to Powell, but I just wanted an excuse to post that quote.)

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yeah, these polls have got usoff our butts and into iowa this weekend. and this is the only other thing keeping me sane:

Oct. 24: In Polls, Romney’s Momentum Seems to Have Stopped By NATE SILVER

Mitt Romney clearly gained ground in the polls in the week or two after the Denver debate. However, the FiveThirtyEight forecast finds a slightly favorable trend for President Obama over the past 10 days.

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So you're saying he was the Bush administration's token intellectual?

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They are very useful to people like Ginny, for when your ears start bleeding due to all that big thinking.

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He totes built that though!

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This election season has seen a lot of crap that I don't remember seeing at this level before. But at least no one has stolen our Obama sign.

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My 401k can’t take another Republican presidency. All that fiscal responsibility is making me poor.

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3/5ths I think...

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Hey! Colin Powel just endorsed Hopey! This changes everything. I guess he’s still bitter about being lied to by the Bush administration and tricked into supporting a couple of wars.

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And rising!

"+5.3 since Oct. 17"

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Somehow I read that as a "automobile sales business" because my brain just wouldn't compute someone selling autographs in the current economy.

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