"Don't bet against America" is a much punchier, hopeful slogan than MAGA ever was. The same underlying sentiment is there, but instead of leaning on nostalgia, it relies on the instinct to get back up again when you're down.

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WASTE, FRAUD AND ABUSE — A major new Justice Department crackdown on Covid relief fraud over the past three months has comprised 718 “law enforcement actions” over $836 million that was allegedly bilked from the federal government, WaPo’s Tony Romm reports. That still is just a fraction of the fraud that authorities say took place while the government doled out unprecedented amounts of aid in the early days of the pandemic.

“Just a fraction of the fraud that took place” ? WTF?

Fraud, as in your tax dollars going to crooks.

America----you’ve been robbed and lied to by the previous administration.

Please question authority, especially Republican. There will be another pandemic type event. You want Trump in charge?

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There is also a very good article in Time magazine about all of the corruption that takes place when money is sent from the federal govt with the intention of it being disbursed by the local govt. It seems that the $ makes it to local officials and magically disappears into thin air, or Brett Favre's pockets, in one example

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In that way, I guess maybe it's a good thing Florida keeps turning down federal money 🤔

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A lot of those businesses took out the PPP loans under the pretense of keeping their workers employed. Instead, the owners pocketed the money and fired everyone anyway. Now that the government is asking for the reciepts to show that they spent their loan money on wages instead of yachts, the job eliminators are getting caught with their khaki pants down.

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Or in the case of one Chicago steakhouse, private planes. I dunno, man, money makes you lose your mind, I guess

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Yes. Quite a difference in enforcement with this administration versus the previous. One study showed 75% of the 1.6 Trillion on PPP funds doled out, did not end up in the hands of the intended recipients. The fucking Pillow Guy got money. Kushner traded Covid supplies chains to highest bidder or should we say briber?. And steered needed resources to red states first. USA History, #1 crime family. Trumps.

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And, unlike weakling Trump in 2019, Biden isn't even begging/bullying the Fed to lower interest rates in order to help him at the polls. Biden is letting them leave interest rates high if they need to, like a REAL MAN. No crying to Powell to lower those rates for him!

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This is actually a very over-looked economic factor. As you know, When Trump was begging for lower fed rates, (short term caffeine for economy) , the rates were already at all-time lows! On the contrary, Bidens’ economy is not being primed or ‘juiced’ with artificially lower Fed central bank interest rates.

Just think of the foreign and billionaires interest in getting a Republican back in the white house in ‘24. Putin and the Saudis would be happy. And the corporations that are going to have to finally pay a 15% minimum fed tax on profits, would be happy to get a Trump or DeathSentence in there. Biden is only 3 years older than Trump.......and Rump has been ridden hard and put away wet. I know, I’m preaching to the choir.

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Hey, lookit Old Handsome there, Actually Making America Great Again.

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I love this commercial. Go Joe Biden!

Must be slow news August. MSNBC is back at the border for a HUMANITARIAN CRISIS. Because it's not news unless it's a CRISIS.

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I love this commercial. Go Joe Biden!

Must be slow news August. MSNBC is back at the border for a HUMANITARIAN CRISIS. Because it's not news unless it's a CRISIS.

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"Why is Joe Biden so divisive?"--CNN

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Also too, “Why are Dems in such disarray?”

(We asked some diners in Christian County, KY. Here are their answers…)

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"Because CNN needs him to be decisive so we can sell ads and clicks!"

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Pres. Biden's campaign is on a roll.

'Dark Brandon' Takes Over Fox News Homepage

President Biden's dangerous alter ego 'Dark Brandon' is adopting his usual aggressive stance, this time on the Fox News homepage as well as on billboards in Milwaukee near the site of the first Republican debate tonight.


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I love how they're speedrunning the fascist fear response.

8. The enemy is both weak and strong. “[…] the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”

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I recall some talking head from one of the business media outlets say that corporate profits were at an eighty year high

PROFITS, mind you.

So much for that screed that “Biden style socialism is an economy killer”

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Record-high corporate profits are of one the very real causes of inflation.

What do you suppose the GQP is going to do to tackle that issue?

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Yep, record profits. And, somehow, they NEED more Tax Cuts? Eff them!

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i have voted for Joe Biden five times . . . two primaries, two times forVP, and once, so far, for president.

i have not been disappointed once!

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Good message, but the music is a bit too ominous, up until the last three seconds at any rate.

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Is it me or has George Santos simply disappeared? The guy was EVERYWHERE about 9 months ago. I'm beginning to miss him. His incredible inventory of invention simply stunned me from week to week.

This ad by OHJB's people is great as far as it goes. Using a bad photo of TFG / PAB to illustrate corrupt and misshapen people makes sense. Why overlook the low hanging fruit? But what about the medium hanging fruit like George? He's actually the fruit of the corrupt TFG / PAB tree. So is MTG. You don't even need a ladder to pick them, all you need to do is go up on the tippy-toes. Certainly there is enough time and screen space to cram them into the ad!

C'mon Joe! Don't overlook all the fruit!

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And don't forget Trump's lapdogs in Congress, like those who insisted/lied about all the Voter Fraud (Gaetz, and yep, Taylor-Greene, Boebert, Jordan, Biggs, Brooks, Gosar, Comer). Joe's Marketing team should also include them in future ads because we MUST get The House back. They all lied to support the former guy.

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Nobody outside of the terminally online and the people in his district remember who George Santos is.

Which is kinda sad, forgetting one of our most important Supreme Court Justices.

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The last I heard, George Santos was on a NASA mission to Mars, while he was completing his Phd in physics and a textbook on brain surgery.

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there will be more ads.

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Smart move, Biden and team surely remember how effective "It's morning in America" was after the perceived-as-downbeat Carter messages.

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From CNBC, https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/22/fewer-americans-consider-themselves-wealthy-report-finds.html

According to a recent survey conducted by Bloomberg: "Of those making more than $175,000 a year, or roughly the top 10% of tax filers, one-quarter said they were either “very poor,” “poor” or “getting by but things are tight.” Even a share of those making more than $500,000 and $1,000,000 said the same.

These days, fewer Americans, including millionaires, feel confident about their financial standing.

Despite their high net worth, less than half of all millionaires, or 44%, felt “very comfortable,” a separate report by Edelman Financial Engines also found. In fact, only 12% of Americans — and just 29% of millionaires — consider themselves wealthy, the report said."

Most people said they would need $1 million in the bank, although high-net-worth individuals put the bar much higher. More than half said they would need more than $3 million, and one-third said it would take more than $5 million, Edelman Financial Engines found.

When it comes to their salary, Americans said they would need to earn $233,000 on average to feel financially secure, according to a separate Bankrate survey. But to feel rich, they would need to earn nearly half a million a year, or $483,000, on average."

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One piece I read some years ago on the psychology of spending has really stuck with me. Basically, the idea is that when people are already spending a lot of money on something (a wedding, a car, a house, education, etc.), their brains will sort of say “fuck it.” As in, “I’m already spending so much $/accumulating so much debt, then why not spend a bit more to get exactly what I want?” This phenomenon is apparently even more prominent with high earners, who then become high spenders, and therefore they “feel” like they’re just getting by because, in a way, they are - even though it’s a result of their own choices.

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Between the two of us, my husband and I pull in a bit less than $350k per year. Eight years ago we considered ourselves very comfortable and obviously are still far more fortunate than lots of people. But my husband also hasn’t had a raise in seven years and inflation has really taken a bite. So while I would not agree that anyone earning more than $175k should ever consider themselves poor (absurd), I would agree that even half a million a year ain’t what it used to be.

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This has been an issue for a while. I'd often meet (usually white) people who'd talk about how they grew up "poor." But their definition of "poverty" was often just a cheap parent (refusing to turn on the AC until it was 100 degrees outside, etc). Their "second" car was crappy. They didn't get new clothes very often, and so on. They were comfortably middle class but genuinely believed they were dirt poor. Worse, they often believed that their parents' cheapness was why their parents retired early or have lots of money (no, they had well-paying jobs). That's more dangerous that the rich people I'd meet who just considered themselves lucky or at the very least didn't overtly judge actual poor people.

Another weird thing: The truly poor people I met, the ones who sometimes had to skip meals growing up, would rarely admit that they were poor and would more likely appreciate the things they had. In other words, someone below the actual poverty level was more likely to know and empathize with people *far worse off* (well, at least we have heat! At least we never were at serious risk of eviction). However, at a certain point, middle class people often tend to only look *upward* (Well, I'm not rich. My house isn't as good as my neighbors. I don't vacation in as nice of places as my coworkers, etc.)

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My family was meal skipping poor when I was in late 9th and early 10th grade. My father had been denied his SSI-D and we had to survive off his meager military pension of $1000/month for those two years. A family of four at the time (two oldest sisters had already moved out.) I remember a serious discussion about him having to possibly declare bankruptcy, until the bank approved an emergency HELOC on the house and we were able to scrape by for those two years by tapping against the equity.

By the time I was done with 10th grade, he'd gotten his SSI-D approved by negotiating straight with the offices of newly elected Rep. Charlie Norwood, who was one of his old Army dental buddies. Norwood may have been a shitstain on humanity in his politics, but his office did their thing and got Social Security to approve it after the first appeal.

Damage was done, I had developed BED due to food insecurity and eventually ballooned up to 270 lbs once we had access to regular meals again. I lost a lot of it in my 30s, but I'm still fighting to reach a healthy weight 30 years later.

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"According to exit polling in the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States, 57 percent of surveyed voters making less than 50,000 U.S. dollars reported voting for former Vice President Joe Biden. In the race to become the next president of the United States, 54 percent of voters with an income of 100,000 U.S. dollars or more reported voting for incumbent President Donald Trump." https://www.statista.com/statistics/1184428/presidential-election-exit-polls-share-votes-income-us/

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Hold the presses!!! Privileged-to-rich, sniveling, white people are whining!!!!

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greedy bastards all.

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love it, great ad, may it do its job.

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It's a good ad aimed straight at low information voters (and the "but what are you for" whiners, ahem).

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