That was a later study. The original groups studied were artificially created pack of unrelated individuals who hadn't had any history with each other until they were thrown together in a confined space.

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Ah, I see.

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I wonder if Kavanaugh gets that face and attitude every time some "liberal" comes before the court? All you "liberals" who didn't vote or voted third party, Happy now?

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He is the human known as Abbath Doom Occulta, legendary guitarist/vocalist, formerly of the Norwegian black metal band Immortal, now the leader of the band Abbath.

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OMG, her wincing at the end. Also the blank mask facial expression on the kid. Except for when she looks up at her mother then smiles and sort of hugs her. Then back to blank face. And during the mama wincing episode of a smile that doesn’t reach the eyes. Yep Abusive Alcoholic Household. Before information about Ford came out and they were talking about Kavanaugh as 'carpool dad' to access and dragging in coaching his daughters' sports thing I said, there’s something up with this guy.

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Hired as a math teacher at a girls school, by Barr's father. Who has a vested interest in burying that fact.

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I did wonder about him coaching girl's softball and he claimed "his life was over." because he was suspended from that? WTF was that a public confession?

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Binge drinking is mostly for rich white kids

It's not the *drinking* that's the problem. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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You are thinking of the other asshole who took Scalia's place. Goresuch.They got Kennedy to retire early to put the boofer in.


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I would agree. I definitely went to school with a considerable number of over-privileged white kids from New York and New Jersey.

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Yes, I can assure you, unless it one you know and love, it is not.

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Look at the Covington Catholic boy, he is a douche-bag who wears the arrogant sneer of privilege.

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"I LIKE BEER," he roared. Remember?

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*hugs* You are brave to tell your story.

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