But they might be talking about ME!!

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'i own your ass soon'?

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i don't know that anybody can make a witty song out of this shit.

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"Who told you to call me Liz? Whoever told you that isn't a friend of yours!"

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While it is not, technically, an apology (due to the absence of any form of "I'm sorry"), it is higher quality than the usual nonpology. She says "they were offensive", rather than "unfortunately, some people may have been offended" or similar customary bullshit.

I'd give her a 6.

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Strangely, that translates to German as "Ehl".

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Homeless people go home.

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Karl "Tiny Dildos in My Ass" Rove?

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<a href="http:\/\/www.redandblack.com\/opinion\/writer-of-how-to-find-that-perfect-husband-in-college\/article_f19a79fc-cfae-11e1-a548-0019bb30f31a.html" target="_blank">Indeed</a>.

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Her tweets read like a script to a Disney movie from before Walt died.

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