Um, are you acquainted with Calvinism? The only possible conclusion from considering ol' John's worldview is that God is a psychopath,

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Just for the sake of argument, I'm going to accept the hypothesis that xtians are being persecuted. So, in what ways? Executed? Sent to internment camps? Chained in the holds of ships and sent across the seas to become slaves? Holocausted? No, people are COMMENTING UPON the stupid shit they say and do, and accurately quoting them. Good Gawd, the suffering, y'all.

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Within this story who is left in the US to persecute the Christian majority?

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I like the part where they nail the persecuted Rev. Luther's 95 feces to the church door.

Theses?! Theses? Ohhhhhh....... Never mind.

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Dear Christians,

Please tell us more of this terrible, unrelenting persecution you suffer.

Sincerely, Victims of The Crusades Victims of The Spanish Inquisition Victims of the Salem Witch Trials Indigenous Peoples of North & South America The gheys The wimminz The heretics Scientists et al, ad nauseum

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Persecution, hate and fear radiate from her eyes like laser beams.

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Poor fucking bastards. It's like they're being crucified. Literally.

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Well, I might consider going if I knew we would see Gretchen Carlson turn to goo.

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One of the main themes of the New Testament is how Christians will be persecuted for their beliefs. Why do today's Christians hate the Bible?

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I’m guessing there will be much whipping of the self-flagellation type in this movie.

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