I always know I can rely on getting first rate analysis here.

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In contrast, I really love the holidays that come at this time of year, and I always have. I refuse to let some right wing blowhard tell me that I have ruined Christmas by doing it wrong. I'll celebrate it anyway I damn please, thank you very much, which for the most part is how my family celebrated it when I was growing up. I certainly do so in spirit. Christmas used to be so much fun until the wingtards got hold of it and started trying to ruin it for everyone else who celebrates the holiday. Back when I was a lad I attended Catholic schools where I was taught by nuns for 10 years and I swear, at no time back then did I ever hear anything even vaguely resembling the curdled piety and cloying sanctimony that has been vomited up by the Nutosphere over the past dozen years or so.

But I can at least take comfort in the fact that it is all being played out in places that are quite a distance away from me. The area I live in is heavily Catholic, but that is hardly the only tradition represented here. Yet over the years the whole "War on Christmas" meme never caught on in the area. The reactions that I have gotten from folks is that it is all a bunch of nonsense, that it's a synthetic issue whipped up by Bill (Baba) O' Reilly so that he could sell more books. I hear that from loggers who barely finished high school, from store owners, from school teachers and from local clergy people. Secularism isn't an issue to them, unlike, say, economic inequality, which is something they feel very acutely. I guess we are all shameless secularists here, even if some are also devoutly religious to varying degrees.

tl;dr: No one cares at all about how or what (if anything) their neighbor down the road celebrates (or doesn't celebrate) at this time of year. It has nothing to do with them -- to each his own, different strokes, holiday observances are personal matters anyway, and all that.

Happy Thursday, HOTBL.

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Happy Yule, all you pagans! Celebrate it by sprinkling yourselves with the blood of a slaughtered animal and then passing around the ale bowl. And then rest up, for tomorrow we go and hunt the cutty wren.

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The derp is strong with this one. "American Exceptionalism" was never a compliment and the mythical "Leave It To Beaver " Christmas where the community came together and sang carols in the square like they were the citizens of Whoville, never existed. Until the last 10 years it was an "Everybody minded their own fucking business" Christmas. .

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<em>... we have to defend our rights that are given to us to celebrate the birth of Christ, and even just the celebration of Christmas has been under fire by the far left.</em>

Well, Georgia is a Guns-Everywhere state. Any recent updates to the body count?

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<i>But telling stories that quite possibly never happened (like, ahem, a “virgin” giving birth) is in the spirit of the season</i>

I refuse to believe that either my mom or Trix are.... <i> that kind</i> of woman.

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<i>we’re here for a purpose, ...</i>

It's this another congressman talking about his <a href="http:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch\?v=yJJA6WRpvlg" target="_blank">special purpose</a>?

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Hollywood is the Den of Satan but Loudermouth's favorite family Christmas tradition centers around a movie. Made by Hollywood.

Finally, a Republican who isn't a hypocrite.

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Or sexting. My money is on the sexting.

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<i>...like, ahem, a “virgin” giving birth...</i>

No one was more surprised about that than <a href="http:\/\/www.unexplained-mysteries.com\/forum\/index.php\?showtopic=139115" target="_blank">Jesus' older brothers.</a>

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Psittacisms. Jeebus! <swoons, cluches back of couch for support> Don't even get me started on the poetry of "vivid buffooneries."

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<runs in breathlessly> Has anyone claimed "caught taking bribes"?

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+10 for "psittacisms."

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Oh Lord, I've been good this year. If you love me, put Rep. Barry Loudermilk on a committee with Bob Goodlatte.

Preferably the Curds and Wheys Committee. They can investigate illegal skimming in government contracts.

Incidentally, did youall know that there is a whole House Committee on Benghazi? Apparently it's a permanent thing, like the Judiciary, or Budget, or Transpo and Infrastructure.

<a href="https://www.govtrack.us/con..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="https://www.govtrack.us/congress/committees/">https://www.govtrack.us/con...

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