If I may: *Ahem* Fairness, schmairness.

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The way I heard it is "Brits don't really like warm beer, but Lucas builds their refrigerators."

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john Fugelsang has a video up on YouTube called "The Island of Misfit Scandals." Hunter's laptop is there. Not his book, Yet.

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IIRC, that was OK because all profits were going to a pre-publication designated charity - I think it was for some sort of reading program.

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Ballsy position

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Its the same bullshit whining about unity.

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Wha... - you too???

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Oh, shit - legume is a liberal?

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Oh, gawd - remember how that (name redacted) comedian(??) dressed for the Clinton inauguration

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My first reaction was much like everyone else's reaction. Amazement that we have a President whose children can for sentences.

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I can't believe these reactions. I know what Republicans will say after they read this book or hear what's in it because why read it? They'll say in triumph, " Hunter Biden is a drug user-- probably a junkie! "

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I heard that the reason the Brits never made TVs is because they couldn't figure out a way for them to leak oil.

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I, too, am the son of a father and I, too, wrote a book -- Published! OK, I get it. Too bad my dad isn't alive to see just what he wrought.

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I remember the Billy Beer scams. These were pre-interwebs. Someone would take out ads in newspapers offering to sell "rare" cans of Billy Beer for hundreds of dollars hoping for a rube that wouldn't realize they were pretty common and not valuable at all.

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I bought a new Triumph Spitfire in 1977 and it worked perfectly! Of course, I only had it for three years. You didn't even have to lift the hood: the entire front half of the car hinged up from the front and you could sit on a tire while you adjusted the carbs whilst enjoying a warm pint. Don't sell Brit engineering short.

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Wait until they hear about the books by Millie, Socks, and Marlon Bundo,

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