Bobby who?

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I know, I was a bit confused as well.

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That's an excellent summary of the GOP debates thus far.

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It's okay, he can't get any of the Huggies action when Vitter is around...

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Patience, Blobfish...we haven't heard from the militia shitbags in Oregon yet.

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Or they'll just double down on places like my home state of Kansas where it's patently been failing for years. Because it's so fun to do the same experiment over and over expecting a different result.

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''Bobby Don’t-Hyphenate-Me-Bro Jindal'' - for the win!

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would you like to super size that with a full-termer?

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it's no riddle, he'll be running

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maybe if they'd exercise more and exorcise less

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As someone who works as a freelancer in a red state that won't accept the Medicaid expansion (on an unrelated note, OH GOD ONE OF YOU PLEASE HIRE ME BLUE STATE EMPLOYERS I RECENTLY APPLIED WITH), you get all the thumbs up, governor.

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Actually, now that you mention it, Hillary does a very good demure smile. I expect heads then roll.

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Soon everyone in LA who was against Obamacare because socialism, Hitler, etc., will say, "Gee, we were completely wrong about this! And who knows what else we were wrong about? Maybe Obama isn't such a bad president after all!"

Oh HAHAHAHAHAAAAA I crack myself up sometimes.

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The 'unrelated note' was that necessary?

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"And then another Democrat will get elected to straighten things out while we vilify him or her endlessly about nothing."

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Wrong. They're not expecting a different result. It's the same as it's been since 1980 - make sure the rich get it all.

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