My favorite was someone used "no Republican is allowed to be punished for anything, ever because a Democrat didn't get in trouble for Chappaquiddick" for their argument, which I thought would have been retired once Ted Kennedy died. He probably thought he got out of that obvious counterpoint by not mentioning Kennedy by name.

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There are still some conservatives out there who self identify as Democrats because they never bothered to switch parties so they could complain about the current state of the national Democratic Party.

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Well, I wouldn't blame anyone today for a system that predates our birth by several centuries. My point was that you can't reliably use party labels to identify people by ideology. The assumption that not all racists are conservative because there are racist Democrats was based on a flawed premise. There is probably other proof that not all racists are conservative, but I would not include the work you previously referenced as part of that proof.

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Satire, how does it work again?

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Do you mean he called them flat-landers or Massholes?

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Not sure any adult with half a brain needs an academic article to understand that Mark Twain's use of the word "nigger" was satirical and critical.

Oh, wait...

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Donald Sterling? Pfft...amatuer.

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I prefer "Be A Bigot And Die By Votes."

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<i>Whether Copeland went on to quantify his criteria for calling a black man a nigger, and to elucidate all the ways in which our president meets and exceeds same, was not detailed.</i>

That's a rubric I would love to see.

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Anyone else look at the comments under the Manchester Union Leader article? They are real (dumb) and they are spectacular(ly dumb).

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<i>. . .nearly two dozen townspeople took to the podium to denounce Copeland and demand he step down.</i>

I'm sure those folks meet and exceed his criteria for another lovely epithet.

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The Union Leader article says that "Copeland is under fire after resident Jane O’Toole overheard him at a local restaurant call President Obama “that f------ n-----." Copeland explained that Obama met his criteria for the N-word, but offered no justification for the F-word. We should get to the truth of this!

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I have to wonder more what would possess people to elect an octogenerian to office, especially one where said octogenerian gets to carry a gun.

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OT anyone heard any word from the 10 million moron march in DC?

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The KKK was founded by Dumbocrats!!!one!

Also, Benghazi. #PSA

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He went to to say "I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro...".

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