The one thing the Donald isn't afraid of is work. I just can't see him actually doing anything good for our country. The likes of Putin would run rings around him, and all of Europe would laugh at him. He'd flail and bluster and pout and the US international reputation would go further into the shitter, and he'd refuse to acknowledge that any of it was his fault.

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Yes, but you forget that Canada and Mexico will be paying for these walls, because Trump is so great at getting money out of people who hate him.

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Funny, I just watched a clip of Felipe Calderon basically saying "Did I say "No, Mexico won't build that wall?" Because I meant to say "FUCK NO we won't build that wall." Sorry for the confusion."

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He says that now, but just you wait until Trump is in office, and then Canada and Mexico will run each other over to be first to fall in line with whatever comes out of Trump's mouth hole, because TRUMP.

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The Republicans lost the last two presidential elections, so in sheer desperation they have turned to an outsider, because they have nothing to lose. The Democrats have likewise desperately turned to an outsider, even though they've been winning, because, hey, they're Democrats.

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I'm not sure his definition of work is the same as normal people's. Yelling at people to do stuff and leaving the details to underlings is more his style. He's not going to win anyway, the Repub establishment will French-kiss Bernie Sanders on Fox News before they let him be their candidate. If he pulls a Ross Perot on them they'll be screwed (and it will be delicious...)

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Heh... Down here years ago there was a referendum to ban liquor sales, and turn Chatham County dry. After all, it's overwhelmingly Baptist, and they profess to hate the demon rum, so it had to pass, right? OOOPS... It went down to resounding defeat.

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Well, you need REALLY good hand-eye coordination. At this point most of it is computer guided anyway.

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Yeah, but you see the pre-chosen candidate is Republican Lite, so...

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At this point where are people not abusing other people? I'm about ready to buy an abandoned oil platform and settle there.

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Yeah, I know what you mean...a shouty asshole with bad hair...hmmm

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And Felipe Calderón is a protected exile in the United States for all practical purposes. Image what the Mexicans think!

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Yeah but that's northern New England. It's not like they have signs at the border saying "No D***ies, Please; We're Yankees." It's a historical coincidence due in part to the region's rural character (but without a plantation economy) and in part due to the fact that African slaves were not plentiful in the region prior to the banning of the practice. Southern parts of NE, like Mass and Connecticut, are considerably more diverse, especially in the vicinity of major seaports. (Seaport towns are historically places of rich cultural intermingling and racial/ethnic diversity.)

Also, "White" as used by the US Census is a highly arbitrary designation. (The concept itself has been quite fluid and changeable over the decades.) In my part of the Yankeesphere, for example, there happens to be a sizable Lebanese-American community, mostly Christian but also in part Muslim. Its members are classified as "white" by the Census (and there is no dispute about that here), and when aggregated by the Bureau they contribute to the demographic "whiteness" of the area. Yet the stats lead many to assume that my area is populated entirely by suburban lily-white descendents of western Europeans, which isn't true. In our case, "white" doesn't necessarily mean what many assume it to mean. (And we don't even have any suburbs because there aren't any cities here.) It is a coarse categorization that fails to reflect the actual diversity. This is undoubtedly the case in some other nominally "all-white" regions in the US too.

Declaring that an area is overwhelmingly "white" in a demographic sense carries with it the implication that the area has a history of racial segregation. That is certainly true in some places in the US but is not necessarily the case everywhere.

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Let me get all "Old man yells at cloud" here for a moment:

One of the most frustrating aspects of the political climate is the way we are supposed to be enraptured with the horse race elements. All this hand-wringing about "electability" sound like an electorate that has trained itself to adpt an ad executive's perspective ("Hillary, you're losing young males! Can you try to 'get all crunk in this mother'? Thanks, doll.") I'm just saying who cares (outside the chattering punditocracy who need to narrate our elections as Superbowl spectacle ) who is more marketable...er..."electable"? It's like when nerds play "accountant" fret over the box office reciepts of "cult classics" they want to see, i stead of just enjoying the damn movie for the entertainment and artistic merits it provides. It just contrbutes to the American public thinking of themselves consumers instead of citizens (and we then wonder why people who are taught to think like marketers put Big Corporations ahead of their own interest and assume thei viewpoints align.)

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to tie an onion around my belt (Which was the style at the time. Way back in 19-diggity-two. See back then we have to say "duggety because...)

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You still have to be awake to drink.

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