There's a vaccine against heroin? Fine time to tell me.

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Obviously, doing anything good that helps anyone will only cause them to make their lives worse, so never do anything good for others because you're only making things worse.

Sheesh, these people have really invented some impressive excuses for being selfish assholes.

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At first I was just being funny but it's true. Somehow somebody has found a way to put stupid juice in Rs bottled water. That's the only logical explanation for the certifiably insane crap from Them. All I can say is WOW!

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If you want to understand addiction I recommend the new book by Johann Hari "Chasing the Scream". People die of overdoses because drugs are illegal. Most addicts who have access to quality drugs tend to outgrow their need to use. Just give them their heroin (at a safe, clean clinic) and they'll be fine.

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Use your Obama phone to call an ambulance whenever you need a ride some where.

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Shooting each other is good for the free market, don't you know.

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That dog is now jealous of Mitt's dog...

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Also, too, no prayer or guns in schools.

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There's no law saying Ya can't pray in school. Just do it silently. After all the faithful say that God is with Them in Their Hearts everywhere They go.

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Cruz signed up for the ACA and admitted He saves 20% but still plans to destroy it. Can't argue with that kinda logic.

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Nobody hated him till they found out about him. Just sayin'.

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Key point by McGuire: "I don't know." If you don't know, then a) do some research to substantiate your claim or b) STFU, dumbass. In the immortal words of a Mr. A. Lincoln, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

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The flaw in his thinking goes like this: B followed A. Therefore A caused B. He is a tool.

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His follow up discussion centered around why the damned trees are always pushing the air around making it windy...

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It seems he starts with the assumption that heroin withdrawal is a fun thing. Maybe he knows something he's not sharing.

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To be fair, he is NH State Representative, not in a position of responsibility and influence.

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