Certainly not our truth-seeking, on-the-ball, intrepid media....who are alreqdy forming an hour long pontification panel about whether Hillary had this coming for trying to play "the woman card."

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O’Brien made a point of shouting questions and waving her arms without being called on, and when Clinton finally told her, “You are very rude, and I’m not going to ever call on you,” the crowd cheered, some giving Hillz a standing O.

Note to Democrats: This should be how EVERY Republican is treated (Also acceptable: giving them the "Martha Roby treatment.")

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Definitely possible. It would be a good fit. But perhaps Jerry's head was turned by that crude seduction put on by RGIII's family at last week's Washington game.

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More than one team could use that invention ... the DNC and RNC might also consider buying a few.

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Vet Tech!?!(I knew there was a reason I liked you.)

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I still get a chuckle at his poll #s shooting up immediately after the GOpers impeached. That had to be em-bare-assing...

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Please, Newt had a "D" behind his name while he was doing those things.

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i see trouble ahead..

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Years ago, I worked on a campaign where my candidate unfortunately decided to constantly hammer his opponent for her husband's various dirty deeds. He lost, (too bad, because she was a snake). I think a big reason he lost was the "meh" attitude of the voters towards the husband.Not a good strategy. I think your son has a reasonable perspective.

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It IS ridiculously exhausting.Thank god for the Wonkette writers and all the (non)commenters therein!!

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(I will never get over the fact that I'm so amused by all these references.)

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that's sick and disgusting . . . and somehow very erotic.

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spontaneous combustion only happens to repug pants.

[ if this were true they'd have to learn to eat through their noses . . . because every time they open their mouths... ]

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I have a feeling that she might be more of a Trump fan than anything else. You know, birds of a feather and all.

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She will be on Fox soon. I predict they will call this schlonghazi.

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And if you have "legs".

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