If Sellers is consistent, he’ll include male masturbation in his bill. Think of the sperm!

Also, the Our Right to Deny You The Right To Your Own Life people are fucked up. They want medically ignorant lawyers, judges and legislators to decide women’s health choices. Given that the average lawyer, judge and legislator doesn’t know a Fallopian from a Eustachian tube (“Wrong! I’m against abortion and eustachinasia!”), that’s an unwise path.

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"Wrong! I’m against abortion and eustachinasia!” This made me spit my drink across the room I lol'd so hard!

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How come men's responsibility is never in the abortion discussion? It's IMPOSSIBLE to get pregnant without them, yet it's all on the girls and women to deal with this crap that these GD men are putting on them. There are about 32,000 pregnancies from rape every year. WTF do men do this kind of shit?

Hell, dead people have more rights than a pregnant woman, since you need to give prior written consent for anyone to use your body parts after you're dead.

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I believe the Christofascists would say “it was woman’s fault that mankind was expelled from the Garden of Eden, so God cursed her with childbirth.” Which in fact is exactly what Genesis says in the Bible. So there you go, womenfolk: that’s why pregnancy (wanted or not) is entirely your burden to bear.

There is always a biblical passage to justify every human pathology: racism, slavery, misogyny, homophobia, etc. Except hatred of the poor: it took the emergence of Republicans to make that a thing among so-called “Christians.”

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I am always making that exact point. How the actual fuck do women have fewer rights than cadavers? Make it make sense!

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Well,cadavers don't need to be punished for dooming all humanity by accepting an apple offered by a talking snake. You see? Perfectly logical.

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Ah, of course! Naturally, my little lady brain couldn't quite grasp this on its own but I should have known that the answer was right there in the holey bibble...aren't they all?

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The birthplace of misogyny.

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I guess if women aren’t allowed to be free they have no choice but to die, according to the Granite State’s motto.

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> *This paragraph has been edited.

That is an interesting and opaque annotation...

In all my years here, usually minor things like spelling or capitalization are fixed on the fly w/o notice. Or else, the previous text is changed to strike-through and the replacement text is inserted in italics or something. Or sometime's there a new paragraph inserted explaining why the offending paragraph is wrong.

But an opaque notice like that? I can't think of another time I've seen that here...

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Dunno how it was edited, but they need to edit it some more:

"Pregnancy officially starts up to two after sex..."

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Nanoseconds, according to Rethuglican/Forced Birth scum.

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One can hope that AG Ashley Moody can't find enough excuses to prevent the voter initiative to enshrine abortion rights in the Florida Constitution from being on the November ballot - that would make Rep. Borrero's bill invalid ( because, even in Florida, the majority of voters favor abortion rights )

Of course, "constitutional issues" have never stopped the Florida legislature before.

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Why not make it mandatory for all unmarried males who are not licensed to have children to be on a anaphrodisiac? No babies to worry about then.

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Or put everybody on some sort of reversible sterilization (yes, I realize they could not ACTUALLY do that), which would be removed upon request.

Everybody could have sex, everybody WHO WANTED TO could have kids, but nobody could get pregnant by accident.

It would drastically reduce abortion -- as per their stated goals -- and make it impossible to punish people for having se--... Oh, wait.

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If you don't want pregnancy, don't have sex. They could just outlaw sex altogether. Anyone wanting to engage in sex could move to another state. That way, the uteri-obsessed would ultimately die out, like the Shakers. Win-win for the rest of us.

This legislation should include putting monitors and tracking devices on mens' peens so they can keep track of what mens' peens are doing, 24/7.

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But they don't care what the peens do, that has nothing to do with whore's getting pregers. It all about controlling the whores.

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I know you're being snarky (I hope!) but I believe the reich wing would very much like to outlaw sex - for the wimmin folk, except when already under lock & key and solely at the whim of her husband.

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Actually, the amount of premarital and extramarital sex far too many of them engage in suggests that they might think twice before they actually do that.

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Mike Johnson and his kid are ahead of the curve.

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I'm usually pretty even-keeled about things, even politics. But I have to get day-drunk to have any hope of getting through one of Robyn's abortion-rights roundups without screaming and punching through the drywall.

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What fries my circuits is that sure, there are states like Kansas and Ohio where voters have installed constitutional protections for reproductive freedom, but until they start electing representatives who will promise to back them up, it won't matter!

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Also too as long as disasters such as Republican presidencies happen to us, they can and will appoint misogynist fundagelicals to the Federal courts, thus giving fetus worshippers yet other venues to circumvent the will of the majority. All you need to do, its seems, is to file a bullshit lawsuit carefully tailored for the judges who you have also carefully picked out, and voila! There is no longer any such thing as settled law in this country, no popular decision that can't be ruled illegitimate by the mullahs provided by the Federalist Institute.

BTW, I do not use "mullahs" to be derogatory towards Muslims in general, who are no worse, on the whole, than any of the many other major cults of the irrational, but to point out, using the "Islamic Republic of Iran" the horrendous consequences of letting religious fanatics rule your country, None of us here wants to live in Gilead, Iran, or Saudi Arabia.

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"...carefully tailored for the judges who you have also carefully picked out..." And paid for! Yes, I'm talking to you Clarice Tomtom

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

I have said this before and I will say it again (and I know that the people here in the non-comments already know all of this), but WHERE ARE ALL OF THE MEN SAYING THIS IS NOT OKAY?!

Seriously, what 15 year old boy in (name a state) wants a kid with his high school girlfriend? (Yes, I know 15 yo kids cannot vote, but still...) What college-aged guy wants to co-parent a child with some chick he hooked up with at a party/bar? What fully-adult professional guy wants to co-parent a child with some chick he hooked up with at a party/bar?! What young professional wants a kid with his partner when they are barely getting by and establishing careers and paying off student loans? What father of three who is barely scraping by wants another kid (or kids) that he and his partner do not want and cannot afford, let alone one that could not survive and might kill his partner?

This hurts women directly and most impactfully, but MEN DON'T BENEFIT FROM FORCED BIRTH EITHER. Women die from forced birth, but I do not get why there aren't millions of men being like "HELL, NO" to all of this nonsense, even if they don't ultimately own the direct decision.

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Also,too: HELL, NO!

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A lot of men--I even daresay most—simply aren’t used to thinking of contraception and possible pregnancy as something they have to think or worry about. They’re used to thinking of it as something that’s a woman’s responsibility.

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True, but what's also true, and almost never acknowledged, is that access to abortion and birth control benefits men almost as much as it benefits women.

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it's more important than ever for men to speak up in support of the rights of pregnant people.

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Is it true that conception usually occurs 2-3 weeks after sex? I confess -- I had no idea. Of course, my high school sex ed course was taught by the baseball coach...

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NO. I asked for a correction to the post downthread. Conception is 2-3 weeks after OVULATION, but typically <72 hrs after sex. Sperm don't last for weeks.

The fact that you asked this question meant that you were actually probably taught correctly by the baseball coach.

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That really needs to get coreected.

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Yeah, I thought that was a slip up...science, ya' know...

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"the abortion industry"

what about the anti-abortion grifter circuit?

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Two cells have more rights than females who are post puberty, I guess.

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> "You should be more worried about moose than wolves, okay?

A moose once bit my sister.

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What was your sister wearing, hmmmmmmmmmm?

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I'm Team Moose.


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When I was driving on the Alaskan in my old camper van I stopped for a plumbing repair I couldn't do and the repair guy gave me this advice: "If a bear runs out in front of the van it is thump, thump, but if a moose runs out dive for the floor!"

Words to live by...

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Republican freedom is "you do what I say you can do, when I say you can do it."

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Republican freedom is taking freedom away from others.

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I thank the goddess that when I got pregnant at 18, it was safe and legal Fuck the current lying conservative pieces if shit in the "Supreme" Court.

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Amen, sister of mine!

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i second that amen.

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