My wife and I had incredible sex today purely for pleasure and intimacy, and did everything in our power not to procreate. How was your day, Republicans?
Any Republican who votes for changes that restrict abortion rights must register for adoption of at least one child of an unwanted pregnancy. Lawmakers who restrict abortion rights must register to adopt at least 2 such children. This new law is retroactive to Dobbs.
So, would this law ban birth control like IUDs that prevent a fertilized egg from implanting? Because we know the right wants to ban birth control as well. And that they conflate birth control and abortion.
there the Republicans go again, shrinking government so as to preserve the people's liberty, just like they always say. the people's liberty to, say, replace sound biology with their religious/ideological obsessions, to grant Mrs. Kravitz across the way the right to spy on you for reproductive crimes she just made up, the right of nutters with bees in their bonnets to shove aside the medical faculty and to stifle the voices of women (THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO HAVE A VALID OPINION IN THE MATTER) in their endless defence of the holy zygote (blessed be its name). We just can't thank these fucking snoops and busybodies enough. After all, what value does the life of some slut who engaged in s_e_x have in comparison to the sanctified FEELINGS of the God-botherers when they poke their noses into said sluts' lives and find their delusions of in utero personhood flouted?
So are they now legally requiring every girl or woman who has unprotected intercourse, under any circumstances, to get pregnant? Having a period is now illegal? This toxic combination of misogyny and stupidity would be almost laughable, if it wasn't so evil.
Banning "pre-pregnancy" abortion?? Would that mean masturbation is prohibited? Life begins at ejaculation? After all, those little sperms be moving like they are ALIVE?
"Gestational age is calculated from the first day of the woman’s period; at 15 days gestational age, a fertilized egg — if it exists yet — has most likely not implanted in the uterine wall. Implantation is the point when pregnancy begins, according to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology."
this is only hard to understand if you a) have absolutely zero clue how to biology or b) you have an agenda, deliberately play stupid and make it hard, which brings us back to item a)
and not to put too fine a point on it, but any and all of this is still nobody's bidniz but the person carrying the pregnancy and their doctor. I'd go as far as to the point of birth but I'm also not going to die on that hill.
Meanwhile, the Lone Star State continues doing its utmost to prove it can outdo any New England colony, any time, in bigoted misogynistic cruelty. A woman named Kate Cox is facing the personal horror of a pregnancy in which her baby (20 weeks in the womb) has been diagnosed with trisomy 18, a fatal abnormality. The baby has no chance of surviving, and the mother, if she has to carry the baby to term, faces high risk of uterine rupture and/or requiring a hysterectomy.
No prizes for a correct guess as to how reasonable the Texas courts are being.
Roe vs Wade was overturned by devil-begotten sadistic hellspawn.
And the net result of all these draconian anti-abortion laws is that Ob/Gyns are leaving these regressive Red states for greener pastures in blue states run by sane Democrats. Because who the FUCK wants to get thrown in jail for providing healthcare to pregnant women?
Sununu calls himself “pro choice” and has promised to make sure access to abortion remains available to wealthy people who can afford to leave the country for medical procedures.
My wife and I had incredible sex today purely for pleasure and intimacy, and did everything in our power not to procreate. How was your day, Republicans?
Any Republican who votes for changes that restrict abortion rights must register for adoption of at least one child of an unwanted pregnancy. Lawmakers who restrict abortion rights must register to adopt at least 2 such children. This new law is retroactive to Dobbs.
So, would this law ban birth control like IUDs that prevent a fertilized egg from implanting? Because we know the right wants to ban birth control as well. And that they conflate birth control and abortion.
Standing o for that headline, Dok.
there the Republicans go again, shrinking government so as to preserve the people's liberty, just like they always say. the people's liberty to, say, replace sound biology with their religious/ideological obsessions, to grant Mrs. Kravitz across the way the right to spy on you for reproductive crimes she just made up, the right of nutters with bees in their bonnets to shove aside the medical faculty and to stifle the voices of women (THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO HAVE A VALID OPINION IN THE MATTER) in their endless defence of the holy zygote (blessed be its name). We just can't thank these fucking snoops and busybodies enough. After all, what value does the life of some slut who engaged in s_e_x have in comparison to the sanctified FEELINGS of the God-botherers when they poke their noses into said sluts' lives and find their delusions of in utero personhood flouted?
That's some fanatical fart sniffing, right there.
Face it wimmins, y'all's gonna hafta pruve thet wuzza miskerrige n notta abortion.
Fucking morons. That's all I got.
So are they now legally requiring every girl or woman who has unprotected intercourse, under any circumstances, to get pregnant? Having a period is now illegal? This toxic combination of misogyny and stupidity would be almost laughable, if it wasn't so evil.
They're workin' on making protected sex illegal.
Banning "pre-pregnancy" abortion?? Would that mean masturbation is prohibited? Life begins at ejaculation? After all, those little sperms be moving like they are ALIVE?
Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great, if a sperm gets wasted, God gets quite irate….
How times have changed. When Monty Python included that in ''...The Meaning of Life'', the entire film was BANNED in the Irish Republic.
Now, Ireland has some of most liberal laws ALLOWING abortion in the world!
Lotta women had to die for that law, sadly.
"personal freedom and bodily autonomy end as soon as p goes in v" is certainly a take.
jesus christ, these fucking fascist busybodies.
"Gestational age is calculated from the first day of the woman’s period; at 15 days gestational age, a fertilized egg — if it exists yet — has most likely not implanted in the uterine wall. Implantation is the point when pregnancy begins, according to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology."
this is only hard to understand if you a) have absolutely zero clue how to biology or b) you have an agenda, deliberately play stupid and make it hard, which brings us back to item a)
and not to put too fine a point on it, but any and all of this is still nobody's bidniz but the person carrying the pregnancy and their doctor. I'd go as far as to the point of birth but I'm also not going to die on that hill.
Meanwhile, the Lone Star State continues doing its utmost to prove it can outdo any New England colony, any time, in bigoted misogynistic cruelty. A woman named Kate Cox is facing the personal horror of a pregnancy in which her baby (20 weeks in the womb) has been diagnosed with trisomy 18, a fatal abnormality. The baby has no chance of surviving, and the mother, if she has to carry the baby to term, faces high risk of uterine rupture and/or requiring a hysterectomy.
No prizes for a correct guess as to how reasonable the Texas courts are being.
Roe vs Wade was overturned by devil-begotten sadistic hellspawn.
Johnny Hartman would like a word.
he and Coltrane got me through some rough patches.
And the net result of all these draconian anti-abortion laws is that Ob/Gyns are leaving these regressive Red states for greener pastures in blue states run by sane Democrats. Because who the FUCK wants to get thrown in jail for providing healthcare to pregnant women?
Sununu calls himself “pro choice” and has promised to make sure access to abortion remains available to wealthy people who can afford to leave the country for medical procedures.