It's time we rang these hacks out w/ a <b>BONG!</b>

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Only when talking to those uppity college kids.

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Naw, that was back in the eighties. Look for a repeat as soon as a Teapublican admin gets into power and needs to scare people.

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Nice transcript you got there. It would be a shame if something happened to it.

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Before they make a hash of things.

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The last thing that the State of New Hampshire would want to do would be to legalize marijuana. Legal pot would cut into the state's business from its liquor store monopoly.

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The Connecticut River and the White and Green mountain ranges.

Vermont was settled much later than Puritan New England, and was never really a part of it in a cultural sense. The area that is now the state of Vermont was formerly part of New York. Southern New Hampshire, on the other hand, lies just beyond the outskirts of the Boston orbit, and was historically heavily influenced by it. Vermont is very distant from coastal New England. It may not look so from a map perspective, but traveling to Vermont from the Boston area involves traversing a lot of rugged, mountainous terrain, which was quite a daunting prospect during the colonial era. From a coastal New England perspective during the colonial and early post-Revolutionary period, Vermont was a remote frontier land lying on the other side of the mountains. The normal route into Vermont from the rest of the early US was via the Hudson River, Lake George and Lake Champlain, not directly over the mountains from New England.

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You know, being an old fart, I do not really know why it is that Russell Brand is a "celebrity", but I do know his last name, mostly because that quote is fucking classic.

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So, is that his wife or his daughter in the pic? Because they look a lot of alike.

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My younger kid is working his way out of getting caught. Luckily for him, he's white and we can afford a lawyer, but the judicial bureaucracy is still intense.

What gives me retroactive shivers is that when I was about his age, I was blithely commiting felonies, many of which are <i>still</i> felonies. I've had a pretty shit-free life, but it wasn't because I was paying particular attention.

My position on drugs is, I guess, fairly extreme. Legalize everything. Some people will destroy themselves. That's life. Some people will harm others. Come see me when you are prepared to restrict gun ownership.

The drug-war-subsidized-law-enforcement-culture has severely distorted the social contract. Legalize everything. Enforce laws against bad behavior that affects other people.

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You sometimes wonder whether the current crop of politicians grew up reading the same civics books that we did.

Repeatedly, we see the most ridiculous behavior from the people who are supposed to lead our nation. Some of them get bought off by large corporations; some get bought off by large agencies; some just hand the reins over to their egos to see what happens next.

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So, I guess Petty Dickishness is the new Patriotism.

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To be blunt, I disagree with his toke on this issue.

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So, if I write this esteemed legislator to ask him to change his vote on same-sex marriage, then that means I must've caught a case of the gheys somewhere? I blame Obama. IYKWIM.

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Shorter Sanborn: "I don't come down to where you work and knock the dicks out of your mouth."

In his defense, people do get testy if you tell them what their jobs are. On the minus side, in a democracy that's exactly what citizens are supposed to do to their elected representatives.

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I was wondering if he was a republican so I went to his reelection site and couldn't find that bit of info. I guess he's not so proud to be a republican. <a href="http://andysanborn.com/" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://andysanborn.com/">http://andysanborn.com/</a>

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