Republicans don't like renewed energy. Fossil fuels were good enough for their fathers, and it's good enough for them!

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6) Accuse the Democrats of "tax and spend" behavior. Kettle, meet pot.

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Oh, and have a tax break for all your hard work.While you're at it, the Koch Brothers want their knobs slobbed, and I'm a little sleepy. Mind filling in for me?

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It's sort of next to Hammerspace, sandwiched between the Place of Missing Socks and the Lair of the Legendary One-Eyed Viper.

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Don't forget Yahoo Answers. =)

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I keep seeing these commercials that Pete Peterson is running. He's a "fiscally conservative Republican." He's spending all this money running ads saying that interest on the national debt will be the third largest program that needs to be paid for. I'd have more respect for the guy if he would admit who ran up all that debt, and if instead of running commercials he'd work on raising the taxes of rich pricks like Pete Peterson who've been getting a free ride for the past 36 years. Naturally he hasn't thought of contributing any of his $1.8 billion dollars towards paying off the debt.

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For me "fiscally conservative" has just become a code-word for "massive hypocrite".

Also, is Pete Peterson Erick Erickson's altar ego? Next time you see him on the teevee, I'd keep an eye out for fake mustaches/affected accents.

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Pete Peterson is one of the billionaires who Warren Buffett got to pledge to give away half of his $1.8 billion to charity. So haranguing the rest of us over the massive debt that George W. Bush ran up, by giving tax cuts to guys like Pete Peterson, is Pete Peterson's idea of "charity." I'd just prefer they all fucking pay the same percentage of their income that everyone else has to pay. Pete never actually appears in his own commercials, and I think Erick Erickson is too stupid to accumulate $1.8 billion, so they may not be the same guy, although I will keep my eyes open for any fake moustaches/affected accents. Also, I enjoy saying "Pete Peterson."

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We'll all be drinking Flint water soon.

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Repeal and replace Obamacare?

Kill the Death Tax?

Back out of the Iran deal?

Bomb somebody?

You know, fresh thinking.

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Wishful thinking?

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I didn't see "kill the poors" on there. Isn't that, like, their whole thing?

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booze and pills

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I'm sure the invisible hand of the free market will build me a much better house if I just wait long enough.

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He has to make an announcement to announce they are going to have some ideas. Because they are the party of ideas. They had no idea before that they were in need of ideas to actually BE the party of ideas?

I've got an idea: have respect for all voters, make sure they can vote, leave the gehys and wimmin the fuck alone, make sure that there are safety nets and healthcare for all, and do your *actual* jobs.

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More lulz?

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