Durr, “Duurrrrrr….”

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Ta, Stephen. You missed one. Rightwingers hate rainbows, queer people (of all stripes) and (the one you missed) ((( Jews ))).

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It still pisses me off that the conventional "wisdom" of our idiot political press is that Phil Murphy barely squeaked by, while Fleece Vest Fascist Youngkin won a commanding Agenda-setting victory...by a smaller percentage (50.6%–48.6%) than Murphy did (51.2% to 48%).

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So I give up. What was Nikki's crack about "ammunition" mean? Her superpower is sexual attractiveness?

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After Sinema went Independent, today Manchin announced he wouldn't seek re-election in deep-red W.VA. After Biden and Obama worked with him, he stiffed the Dems, as expected.

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"Republicans got lucky once in Virginia with their CRT/queer panic crap. It won’t happen again." From your mouth to the gods ears, Mr Robinson!

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I don’t know about the rest of them, but no repug would ever vote for an obvious FURRINER named “Dnistrian.” I mean c’mon, what red-blooded ‘Murrican could even pronounce that?!?

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New Jerseyans are really comfortable with ethnic names. It's one of the most ethnically diverse states in the union.

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I used to live in what was literally the most diverse electorate in Australia. It felt *very* weird the first time I realised I was the only white person in a shop, but I quickly got over it. I loved it


Christmas shopping is AWESOME when a large percentage of your community doesn't do Christmas.

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We're on to them now. A school board down the river from us managed to slip in two nutjobs last year that were corresponding with Woodland Park, CO to implement the American Birthright Social Studies program. They backed down suddenly during their last board meeting. My feeling is that someone called the nutjobs up and said, we've got our lawsuit all ready to file.

This election, our school board tried the same thing, but the two normal (D) candidates won handily. The election clerk, who was there when I turned in my ballot, was worrying that it was a low turnout. The right people voted. No one else apparently thought it was important enough.

I am not tired of winning yet!

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My three daughters and I used our voter frauding mail in NJ blue bamboo ballots to vote. They asked me about the school board candidates and I essentially told them to look them up and the ones that stated "parental rights" were pretty much magat scum and that should make their choice clearer.

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A podcaster I listen to who lives in NJ did the same. How did the sane people do in the SB elections?

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Dems won- Mayor, Council and SB.

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There are two Ds in fuggedaboudit. Just sayin. :)

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I'm from NJ so I follow what goes on in my erstwhile home state, and I love reading the good news. Especially from parts of Monmouth County that were going MAGA, which blows my mind.

Here in Tuxon of course the Democrats ran the table, as expected. All we gotta do next year is get rid of those fucks Wadsack in the state Senate and Ciscomani from the House.

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Monmouth County, where I am typing this comment, is a pretty red place. Only Monmouth and Ocean voted against legal weed. I'm honestly shocked and I'm so glad my vote helped!

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I left Monmouth County in 1984. I basically took Springsteen's advice, and drove north on that Highway Nine and did not look back.

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I should've done the same.

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I live in a red part of NJ (Josh Gottheimer's district -- lots of upscale suburbanites whose main deal is lower taxes), and like usual we failed to evict the R incumbents (even though, as I noted on Tuesday, we now use Dominion machines). I hang my head in shame.

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Thank you for paying attention to NJ, Stephen.

I think a lot of Republicans in NJ were pissed, in 2021, about Trump losing and turned out, while Democrats were exhausted from Trump’s term in office.

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"Schnall, a rabbi, for appearing with the LGBTQ rainbow in a campaign ad. (Right-wingers hate both queer people and rainbows.)"

and plenty of them hate Jews.

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They're all waving Israel flags right now though, curious.

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Whether they know it or not, their evangelical pastors are all end-timers and believe that can only happen when all the Jews are in Israel. So their pastors tell them to support Israel, and they wave that blue star of David like there's no tomorrow. Since it has the bonus of opposing Islam (in their minds), it's all the easier to make the cognitive leap.

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I learned my anti-zionism from Israelis while I was in Israel, and had it reinforced by the son of Iraqi Jews who was my boss for quite a few years.

But before any of that I was probably predisposed towards being pro palestinian solely because I knew evangelicals and why they supported israel.

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"Republican who lost re-election was state Sen. Ed Durr"

Apparently the campaign slogan of "Durr Durr Durr" didn't go over well, even where Jimmy Hoffa is.

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I wonder if y'all could write some snark about the Gov using the gross unique-to-NJ party line primary system to sneak his wife into the Senate... Whatever the theoretical benefits of the system, it is obvious that IN PRACTICE it is a gatekeeping, patronage system for entrenching the friends and family of people already in power, contributes to voter disengagement and the perception that NJ is corrupt and the related perception that NJ political parties are run on a machine basis incompatible with, like, the 21st century. Like, it's fine to use your family's position in politics as part of the "endorsements" race -- but NOT to steal the primary by taking advantage of this ridiculous ballot scheme.

See NY Times on this: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/01/nyregion/tammy-murphy-senate-robert-menendez-seat.html

Also this: https://www.njspotlightnews.org/2022/06/party-line-competitive-advantage-lawsuit-proceed/

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No, this is dumb.

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The NJ ballots I’ve seen list parties by column and offices by rows.

Democrats or Republicans are in the first two columns going left to right.

It’s a pretty simple ballot to read.

Grouping parties in columns make straight ticket voting easier, which probable helps Democrats in down ballot races.

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Also, on my Dominion ballot I did not see a way to choose the entire D slate at once, so I had to pick each of them separately.

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