I was doing a clerkship at the VA in Washington at the time, I used Dennis Franz'"African Perpetrator Theory" term from "NYPD Blue" to describe her story; an African American patient of mine said "yeah! Why would a black man want two white kids?"

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I guess it's where the money is.

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I would like to say Hindoos just do the passive nonviolent resistance thing of going ascetic so that we are granted a boon to help overcome a future curse which is inevitable but the history of the Partition of the subcontinent has proven we don't like to be that passive and wait for Karma to get our foes.

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Translation to english, or urdu, please.

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I have a new invention that solves that problem. My GoFundMe site will be operational next week. Get in early!!!!

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"Luckily" Xtians have an inflated sense of thier own self-importance so that trip themselves up with petty concerns like that.

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Gawd! I'm glad somebody else remembers Tawana Brawley. That and other incidents of inciting racial strife should have knocked Reverend Al off the list of Black leaders thirty years ago.

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By the way, this is a good time to do a quick compare/contrast. Think about how many times we have seen sweet pious "Christians" (and whatever shrieking banshee Pamela Gellar worships) protest mosque (sometimes with "responsible gun ownership" and everything .) Now reminisce about all the times you've heard about those evil, evil "Islamofacists" violently up in arms over new churches opening up. Notice a discrepancy there?

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"American's for Prosperity" reading material and Quilted Northern toilet paper.

But you repeat yourself.

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put! the! helmet! on!

For some reason I'm hearing that as a club single.

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people should know how to walk

You used the "S" word. One of the most enervating things about the fair city I inhabit is the surprising number of people who will, presented with a wide and uncrowded sidewalk, move diagonally across it directly into your path for no apparent reason. I'm not sure people know how to walk any better than people know how to drive.

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https://en.m.wikipedia.org/...It was his fingers from rubbing teh kitteh's forehead.

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