Actually, he seems to have a surfeit of components there.

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You know, I think the "throw the food away" idea is stupid, but despite the word-salad-shooting, it is possible to derive the superintendent's meaning. Students who qualify (which includes applying) for the reduced/free lunch program have part or all of the lunch paid for by the Feds, and thus do not affect the school district's budget. Students who don't qualify, but who also don't pay, do impact the district's budget (at least hypothetically).

Now, this is complicated by not knowing what kind of contract the district has with its food-service provider, but one thing that is immediately obvious is that throwing the food away will <i>not</i> save the district any money. Which is why it's stupid.

Teh google tells me this is a K-12 district with about 4,500 students, so the full-price cost of a year's worth of lunches is around $1.5M. This suggests that the actual annual loss to the district is $50K, rather than $50,0000. This is around a tenth of a percent of the total district budget, which is large enough to warrant some attention, but maybe not large enough to warrant making kids miss lunch, especially when IT DOESN'T SAVE ANY MONEY.

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Yes, but they want to be gym teachers.

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I have never even been tempted to add a Master's or Phd to my Bachelor of Education. From what I can tell, it's just an endless stream of bullshit that won't help me one bit in the classroom, and I have no desire to move up the ranks from the classroom. On the other hand, those who I do see moving up after getting those pieces of paper are almost without exception boot-licking idiots. Including our newest superintendent who used to teach across the hall from me.

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Parents who love their children pack them nutritious lunches to bring to school every day, including a little note from Mommy saying "I love you, and will be thinking of you as I play tennis while Conchita cleans your bedroom." Parents whose children do not love them that much won't learn anything anyway, so who cares if they're hungry? Lousy little freeloaders.

And could someone educate "Doctor" tailor as to what components are necessary to make a "sentence"?

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Its almost like the major issue in our schools is bloated, poorly designed administration, rather than lazy liberal union teachers?

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$50,0000? How much is that? I don not understand FOX News math.

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The university where Mr. PsycWench teaches has several master's programs nested in the Education department, and many of his psychology majors have ended up in one of them. It is apparently not unusual to see a student who had a C+ average in undergrad accepted to these programs and graduate with a 4.0. Yeah, that's a master's program but I suspect the EdD programs are similarly softball. Something to think about before having lofty expectations of Dr. Taylor.

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On the other hand, children who want to slide down a hill on the EMPTY lunch trays have a free ride.

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$50,0000? Is this that new math?

That's a lot of tater tots.

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<i>It’s either all or nothing type of policy</i>

That's Chris Christie's same policy about dessert carts.

Look for this and other exciting stories in his new book "I Was a Teenage Warehouse".

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I happened to tune into a little Dennis Prager the other day and he was going on about how leftist are utterly lacking in any moral values. Later I looked up his Wikipedia file and found he’s just another one of those Rush Limbaugh type serial marriage guys.

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It sounds like the policy refers to kids who aren't on the free or reduced lunch programs; if the "full pay" kids' account runs out, most schools will serve them anyway and communicate the situation to parents. It sounds like some parents haven't paid up and the school had to cover the difference...a difference that wouldn't be their problem if the kids were on free or reduced lunch. God forbid there be some outreach to help parents, who may be illiterate or unable to comprehend the situation. Even if the parents are well-paid deadbeats, making the kids go hungry seems a terrible way to handle the situation.

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All or nothing policy in other words if you dont use it you lose it so if you dont have enough poorz to run the program you will starve what poorz you do have cause their parents cant make the non poorz poor so they can sign up their little kids also too

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