Also too published in 1999. Prologue has September as the month where "... forests around Big Sur stop burning." Evidently this has been going on for Cali folks longer than we realize.

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Your post reminded me how much enjoyment I got as a kid doing nerdy things like "learning".

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IKR! They no longer teach HomeEc, wood shop, or other classes that teach every day skills. I talk to my nieces and nephews and they have zero idea how to cook anything. It's actually scary. They have no life skills outside of their parents and family.

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this is awesome. hydroponics and vertical beds make me all tingly in my horticulture.

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You say that like they give a damn about anything other than themselves and how much money they can get.

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Since it's worked out so well for FL. DeSatan has cost that state millions if not billions.

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Well, stock certificates are very nourishing.

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I’ll donate the canned clams for a lovely chowder!

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Another way to start people thinking and talking?

Put mentions of it in TV shows......https://www.motherjones.com...

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Glen Ridge.

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New Jersey is one of the places I’d consider moving to get out of the hellhole that is Idaho.

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Nothing like shucking peas and sneaking a few into your mouth when you're a kid.

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"Taking kids seriously and trusting them information..."Have You Lost Your Mind?!?!!!!?Next they'll be thinking for themselves, having ideas. How are we going to raise new generations of Republicans if we're going around educating kids??

ETA: what about the penguin on top of my TV?

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The penguin stuff is making me think of a long joke that I'm not going to bother to write out, except for the punchline:

"I did, and we had a blast! Today we're gonna go to the beach!"

If any of you know the rest of the joke, you have my deepest sympathy.

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It's also a place to go if you have a handicap that makes getting out of your car to gas it up hard or impossible. No self-serve gas in Jersey, by law; every drop must be dispensed by an attendant.

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