Down there in the front row, what is Pat Buchanan praying for?

That Kincade White House is a hoot!

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Apparently the pockets are big enough to hold a laptop.

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"Would you sign this paper bag for me? Well--not for me, but for Tom there behind me. He's literally on his knees for it."

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Herbert Hoover was Quaker too.

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"Failatio" is the same, but half the leaves are poison oak.

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He should team up with the David Bugnon. Between them they'd average out to normal arm lengths.

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A lot of pets are crepuscular - cats, most rodents and rabbits.

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And did you notice Ronny Raygun is standing between Lincoln and Washington? This goes beyond artistic license. Lincoln and Washington would have kicked Ronnie's ass given his actions in Grenada as he didn't seek approval of Congress to start that little war.

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Cameras would be safest. A camera in every vajajay, and a new Federal agency devoted to monitoring for unholy activity...

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You're right...it's right there under the cigar ad.

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i have to say, considering how shitty things have been, this just makes me laugh in sheer, incredulous delight.

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His new demographic is huge moist teabaggers.

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Yes indeed. Fuck the Bill of Rights, and double-skullfuck the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments.

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I think I saw this movie - this is the final scene, where the black guy has to start beating down all those zombies, with a shovel.

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