
Kristen Welker is the First Woman of Color to shit the bed as moderator of MTP. Mazel tov! You still have big Chuck Todd-sized shoes to fill in terms of an overall shit-the-bed career, but you're off to an amazing start. Vaya con Dios!

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I watched an excerpt of the interview (or whatever it was) on Nightly with the sound off. Mostly because the sound of TFG’s voice puts me into a coma. But I must comment on the hair. It was looking extra weird. And this was a pre-tape.

What up there? Yes, I’m shallow. What of it?

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Press the Meat has been dead to me since even before Big Russ died. It's just not serious journalism. I get all the journalism I need right here.

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Don't have to worry about me watching this shite. Hell, I wouldn't even watch a Biden interview. We all know exactly who these people are...

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I am strongly in favour of "Meet the Press" making sure the American people understand who Donald Trump is, what he stands for, and what he plans to do if he regains power.

When does "Meet the Press" intend to start?

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I call bullshit. The MSM always claimed it was just so haaaard to challenge Trump on his lies because he told so many back in 2016, but I remember when Gov. Granholm called Kristen Welker on her bullshit. Remember the Trump Foundation allegations and how they came out about the same time of the Clinton Foundation “scandal” Granholm pointed out how it was nonstop wall to wall Clinton Foundation coverage and barely a mention about Trump’s bogus charity. Welker insisted “But we have covered it!” Granholm was basically like “Barely”. They don’t push back on Trump because they don’t want to. Medhi Hasan is right. Just call him on one thing and stop sticking to your bullet points. Do journalism for a change! But no, Welker will go there with a list of questions that Trump’s people have pre screened. He’s gonna go off topic and she’s going to push back a little on all his lies and wack ass tangents, then ask the next question.

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When is the last time Republican Talking Point Hour had a host that wasn’t shit?

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Can't wait to miss it!

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Plane crashes are also good for ratings. That doesn’t mean the media should be rooting for more of them.

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There is one and only one thing that will ever stop Trump, and that is a thumping in the general election so sound that for the rest of his life, his howls of fraud will finally be dismissed as so much noise.

Every energy must go toward that end, and absolutely nothing must be allowed to distract from it. I'm looking at you, Biden-is-too-old hand-wringing concern trolls.

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THIS! Stop whinging, whining and wringing and er’ybody get off their silly asses and turn out the vote for OHJB!

Anything else is suicide (and not just political).

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There's another thumping that will stop Trump - and more thoroughly - and that's when a certain thumping originating in his chest cavity ceases it's thumping.

With naturally caused votes, of course.

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To quote former CBS chair Les Moonves. “It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS.”

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I might even take nbc out of my channel rotation. Other than SNF there's really nothing I watch. SNL reached its sell by date 30 years ago.

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Agreed. Except for when Kristin Wiig was on.

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There's been a few over the years. For example David Byrne coming back in 2020 was epic!

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What could he possibly say that he hasn't already shat out all over his Truth clusterfuck?

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Never EVER underestimate that. PAB and those of his ilk do not think like you and I do, and they can and will shit out stuff you and I could have never considered.

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"First, you isolate the most absurd statement and dismantle it."

Nah, I would just make fun of his appearance and tell him he's a weak little man-baby.

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Since when does MTP do location interviews? Make the degenerate come in the studio Sunday morning or nothing. What's next, Mango back on Morning Schmo?

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I wish I liked "Morning Joe". I just can't stand Joe's sputtering outrage, and Mika's fawning head-bobbing.

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So glad to be in the Pacific time zone and ain't nothing worth getting up at 0300 for, especially not that crap.

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Yeah, that "fact-checking" statement is a real knee-slapper. If they do, the interview that airs will be about 60 seconds long.

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