They are not stupid. They know what the answers to the exam questions are.They know to put them on the exam papers.They are just happy to lie about it.

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I like totally believe this cuz today I found like this rock on the ground that was like just born today.

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I thought NM was generally a sane place.

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I thought so too. What happened NM?

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They elected Gary Johnson as Governor. Twice.

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People need to go vote.

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So it's okay to lie if it supports your religious beliefs?I know I know.Sigh.

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The DEEP IRONY is that New Mexico is home to some great science and research facilities, most of them funded by the evil federal government. Los Alamos laboratories, the Very Large Array radio telescope, White Sands missile range, and so on.

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Um. That time did not exist before the Big Bang is implied by General Relativity. That might be why even educated people give that answer.

That you can't imagine what existence without time might be like isn't the pre-universe's problem.

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Roger Penrose has a bogglesome idea: CCC. Google it up! Was a time when Hawking didn't accept the possibility of black holes. Penrose proved a simple theorem, and physics was never the same again.

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Thanks - I don't know 'em, but hopefully it'll be fun!

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I like to snark gently at antiscience Christianists with this bit of history:When Benjamin Franklin invented the lightening rod, there were those who called him an agent of Satan because he was using science to neutralize the Lord's own smart bomb, the bolt from the blue.He prevented the Almighty from smiting, tied His hands, with science! So the religicons of the era said, in effect, so to speak.But this was the Enlightenment, after all. A spirit of rationalism pervaded the thought of the day. The thunder boomed, and so did the sale of lightening rods.I'm sure that this greatly simplifies actual events, but I'm sticking with it. Makes a point.

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Evolution is a decadent Western ideology used to justify the inherent inequalities of Capitalism! /s

Remember when there were real Communists to fight and not the fake ones made up by the the far right because people want decent pay and healthcare.

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I grew up in Houston, and knew quite a few of both of those too.

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Another science fact: the search area for Malaysia 370 is in the antipode of the Bermuda Triangle.

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