I don't care how you cook 'em, Skeet always taste terrible.

Why bother shooting anything you're not going to be able to eat?

Although they are probably the one thing The Gov'Nor could actually clean.

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Looks to me like she just forgot to take off her napkin after eating lunch.

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Skeet skeet skeet. All these bitches crawl

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I'm sure the thought crossed her mind.

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I bet the real tip-off was the black robes they were wearing.

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Hello, Sonia? This is Maureen Scalia. I was just wondering when you are going to apologize for what you did with my husband. Buh-bye!

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(Rod and Gunnar?)

This is a pet peeve of mine. The gay-haters say, "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."

Well, guess what, assholes. You're half right. It would never be Adam and Steve. It would be Adam and <i>Stephen</i>.

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With some bad aiming, we could have seen a re-enactment of "Bush v Gore".

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<strong>My book report</strong>

<i>"The Hunt for Red Sonia"</i> by Antonin Scalia is the story of a man named Tony who thinks a woman named Sonia is a red socialist. To learn the truth, he starts spending time with her. Like in Sandra Bullock movies, she doesn't have a boyfriend even though she is "super foxy". But the man discovers she is really more than super foxy. She is also super smart. The book ends at the shooting range which has lots of symbolism.

This is a good book that I recommend for anyone who is interested in hunting.

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