I loved many shows I went to in Berkeley (this'll date me) including the Talking Heads and the Pretenders, all at the Greek Theater. If the weather's nice, and you like the band, you can't do much better.

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Can we just get all the Dem's to march in the same line, not scatter all over the landscape of Rethuglicanisim? Can Nancy/Chuck just send Joe and the Blond to the back of the room if they are going to be dicks?

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Except I recall at the time of the COVID funding the Senate Parlimentarian said the Dems had only two more chances to use Budget Reconciliation. It will be once for the Build Back bill and once for the overall budget continuing resolution. Moscow Mitch really wants to do major damage.

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They never admit that a national military is a socialist idea. The tru capitalist would argue that the private sector should be contracted. Now considering the ballooning costs of military spending for things that have been privatised and assholes like Erik Prince, I think no one but the hardcore libertarians and wholy ignorant argue for a private military or more accurately mercenaries.

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Hell hath no fury like a republican inconvenienced.

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Why not? It's not as if he takes the slightest consequences for it.

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Many, many years ago a friend gave me a book by PW Singer called Corporate Warriors that pretty accurately predicted where we were headed.


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I like this a lot.

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Sure. But now a Democrat is president so we can't afford that.

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"Plague Rat" needs to be in wider use.

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Or just declare that the debt ceiling is facially unconstitutional, because it serves no purpose but to question the full faith and credit of the United States, in direct contradiction of the Fourteenth Amendment.

And then dare anyone to argue that it's not, and be seen as actively pushing the world into financial calamity, rather than passively allowing it to happen.

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2. Add 4 Dems to the Senate, probably permanently.Based on what? "Demographics is destiny" is bullshit, as Florida and the Rio Grande valley should have taught us about a year ago.

I agree that both DC and PR should become states if their populations want that, on general principles. But assuming they'd vote Democratic for any length of time is a stretch.

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I did the skinny dipping thing between 1987 and 1992, but since then, have kept my clothes on.. :)

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That's what he do.

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Nuthin' but rabbit holes in AZ. Save your energy.

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When democrats are in charge the GOP does everything it can to cause pain for working families, to be fair they do the same thing when they're in power, but they did raise the debt ceiling 3 times during their absurd Orange hero's administration.

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