That's just a ploy to make voters think that Someone is Serious and some shyte's 'bout to go down

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Mort Sahl, SI !!Charlton Heston, NO !!

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"Term Limits" always were, and still are, ideas put forth by terminally ignorant people that do not understand the history and/or mechanics of American elections, or the disasterous consequences of the "term limits" that they shout for. The only people who proclaim that "both parties are guilty" are the cowards that refuse to admit that they were WRONG about their past (and probaly present) political choices. Even a 5-year-old can see that "term limits" means that you CAN'T KEEP THE GOOD GUYS, even if we accidently happen to elect one !!

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Some people do not understand why term limits exist. Imagine the opposite of what Chuck assumes - what if you 'accidentally happen to elect' a dumb, bad one? Which are more common - good or bad dumb ones?

Should be obvious why term limits are a GOOD thing - even a 4 year old can understand that - maybe even 'terminally stupid people' - lol.

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How many blacks are killed by each other? You say are you still on the Benghazi because obviously there is something to hide. What facts are you talking about? You do understand the whole liberal ideology is a socialist agenda, right? Step back. Do you even know what socialist means? What happened when libs tried to tell Navajos that the word REDSKINS was racist?

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You tell me how america is with just liberals. Lmao! You keep borrowing & borrowing & borrowing money from China. Were $19 trillion in debt. How is that a republican problem when the president is Democrat? The dollar will diminish & we will be worse off than the great depression. Tell me what benefit do you see from voting D? Sure hope you dont work cuz your high taxes are to pay for everyone who needs the government to support them. Support enough to live, not advance in life. To be dependent because if you were INDEPENDENT why would you need the government?

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Then Detroit came with liberal policies & what happened....BANKRUPT. Eventually someone has to be independent otherwise you run out of money.

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Sad thing is not nearly 100% of your donation goes to help the cause.

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Its about being independent. So your saying your stupid & need to rely on the government to make all your decisions? How did it work for you libs when you told the Navajos the word Redskins was racist?

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That's ok. He would have just spent the money on drugs otherwise.

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This article is from 2015, sweetheart. Did you just now come up out of your bunker? And not one point or question you make has anything to do with my comment specifically about Boehner. You're not too bright, are you?

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CONGRATULATIONS! You win the irrelevant BS and necrophilia award! I bet you want a damn cookie and a pat on the back, but you getting this antifreeze laced milkbone instead. I just LOVE it when somewhite macho meathead tries to get me told about things to make up for their inferiority complex. So let me quickly slice up your crap statements so I can stop losing IQ points talking to you. First off, it has been proved on more than one occasion and tons of wasted citizen taxes later that there was no lapse in intel for what happened, so Rodham ain't going to jail on that. What she should be getting hung for are those emails she magically made disappeared, but that's happening fast enough if at all.

Two, I really don't care about this fetishism many of your ilk have with tossing liberal and socialist as dirty words. If you had an facet of what those words mean, especially socialism, which to not waste more time on your idiocy and to get to what you think you're talking about, is the expanse of certain social and economic systems as a collective, however, there are different forms of socialism with no definitive term. The one you're probably talking about is Nazism or Fascism, which your orange savior Drumpf seems to be on about.

Three, black on black crime is a BS, idiotic myth, it's simply crime. However, since you want to go there, let's talk about all this white-on-white crime and how ugly little troll men like yourself keep getting away with it, like that shart frat boy swimmer who got away with raping a woman.

Finally, since you're such a sloppy ass scholar, the members of the Navajo nation, more or less, don't appreciate white ingrates dressing up in their peoples' regalia while harping on about honoring their history for a football team without any input for them. As far as the term Redskin, even with some of them finding the name offensive now, it's original meaning is up for debate, however, it started to take a negative connotation down the line for cretins who wanted to kill or demonize Native Americans.

So, I want you to bear all of this in mind the next time you want to not only necro a year old post that someone made, especially on a place like Wonkette because you will get dragged out the door like the bag of garbage you are, but also even fixing your mouth sideways and having the audacity to think what you said was okay and not think there was going to be repercussions for it.

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They are the stupidest, most obnoxious people in the nation, almost all are disgusting racists. Now they finally nominate a repulsive candidate, Donald Trump, that even they can barely stomach. Their problem is that they are closet fascists, and America doesn't like fascism. And America is getting weary of Republican stupidity and craziness.

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I have never liked Republicans, not in my entire life. And they are getting Worse!

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Yes, because Republicans are basically people with serious personality disorders and low I.Q.s. And they turn the Internet into a Museum of Idiocy! A lot of them are Southerners. I'm not sure that they actually marry their cousins, but they sure act like they do. The racist Southerners about to get kicked out of Both Parties, because they are insufferable. The real Republicans curse the day that a bunch of Dixie racists joined their party, they are totally destroying that party.

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With the Trump candidacy, the millions of stupid people in this country are finally getting their say. And the rest of the country is finding out that they strongly dislike stupid people.

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