Then you have to ask what "get past this" looks like.

As well as who "us" is.

I'm not trying to sound like Bill Barr. I'm only trying to point out that for white racists, or even for NIMBY white "progressives", "get past this" is actually defined as "people of color should accept permanent second class citizenship in a society where the Constitution nonetheless proclaims equal rights for all, and they should accept all the trauma from the gaslighting that goes with that".

We have to define our terms in order to have a productive discussion.

Professor Carol Anderson Charles Howard Candler Professor and Chair of African American Studies"White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Nation's Divide"John F. Morgan Sr. Distinguished Faculty Lecture, 2018https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Prof Carol Anderson talks about that -- she talks about uncompromised black progress & success where they can't ply denigrating racist tropes being the thing that enrages racists the most. It's the thing that made the KKK want to set their arsonists on Black Wall Street and Tulsa, just for a couple of examples.

Professor Carol Anderson Charles Howard Candler Professor and Chair of African American Studies"White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Nation's Divide"John F. Morgan Sr. Distinguished Faculty Lecture, 2018https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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And if you're a "good" cop, you have to stop defending your asshole murderer colleagues.

So ... what did he say when you told him that?

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You know why.

That said, I wonder if you'd be willing to talk to the ACLU's Voting Rights subdivision about what you just said. They worked with Prairie View to try to get the students' rights reinstated. They'd be most interested to know there are still people trying to suppress the students' votes there all over again.

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Well, you're right. But Fucknuts was also culpable, though apparently only in the bogus arrest.

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Why are you so dead set on insisting that I am trying to say something other than what I said?

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More examples of why Obama and any black is so bad, the results speak for themselves.

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The author.

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Well catching bad guys is his Raison D'être . But when you believe you can pick one out by the way they look that's profiling.

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isn't it illegal keeping evidence away from being reviewed by the victim's lawyer?

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He’s never actually done that because I don’t think anyone in his department has killed someone, but he seemed receptive. He’s mostly pretty reasonable.

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Poor little racist POS.

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I know some of her relatives. Her family is still devastated to this day by the murder of Sandra Bland. This video only serves to emphasize: it was a murder. It's not money they want, they want justice. If there is a god in heaven there will be justice some day visited down like fire on the people who killed her.

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Good cops are not good cops if they circle the wagons to defend bad cops. I have long said the budgets of all police departments in a given year by law should be reduced by the amount of money paid out as damages or settlement of cases involving unlawful use of force and violence. The amount paid as salary to officers would get reduced on a prorated basis over the entire department. Put economic penalties on the "blue wall" code.

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Well, his name is out there. Just saying.

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Cops need to have Insurance against Claims against them. That way, when the Insurance won't Cover them because of their Past "Deeds," they're thrown off the Force.

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