"let’s concede that a fairly high percentage of the criminal homicides may have been committed with illegally obtained guns"

Legally obtained in other states, usually. The NRA gun-fuckers like to forget all about the "legal" category the moment the guns are carted off to be sold on the streets.

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I have a nice old ww2 rifle and a nice old cold war pistol. I've always liked the spooky action at a distance factor but this hound who's decided to live here doesn't like loud noises so the barrels seem to have cobwebs in them. I'd ditch the things if there were kids living here. (I do like the historic aspects of these machines. Thinking Stalingrad of the one and Warsaw Pact for the other.) I think that comes under the heading of full disclosure, for future reference.

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You fuckin' sadist. Or is that usa military deployed intelligence team? I'll check with daddy' bush's old friend, Manuel.

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When the "home invaders"- is that some sort of Jade thing? - stop by I'm just going to show them your post. And I'm not gunhumping on that! It's great! I wanted to read Moar Words!

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Past and present.

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More interested in the legislators than the governors in most states. But many of them will also be elected in 2018.

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Except that the statistics show that gun control measures do work. I remember reading Tim Lambert of all people expressing surprise at how much more than he expected Australia's homicide rate fell after their legislative response to Port Arthur.

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Sell them via the Great American Private Sale of Guns law loophole!They're all bringing great prices due to Obama's sure to take our guns any day now (waiting, waiting--.)

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How about "I'm ARMED. I'm LIBERAL. And you're pissing me off."I've actually thought about doing that one, but I live in the South, so I'm afraid it would cause suicide by bumper sticker.

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I believe in gun control. Conservatives, Republicans, and NRA members should not be allowed to own guns.

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Compare the unintentional shootings to the self defense shootings, about twice as many unintended

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Gov. Haley has released a statement that the Confederate flag will be flying at 3/5 mast to honor the victims. When asked if she thought this was racist, she said, "What? I have black friends on Facebook so I'm obviously not racist!"

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The first step to getting more accurate data to the FBI would be to have all states and all precincts use the same crime reporting system. Currently the US has two, SRS and NIBRS with the latter being more accurate and more current. The biggest difference is that the states under SRS don't have to report all the crimes that occur, if several happen at the same time. So if you break into a house, shoot three people and kill two of them, but you stab and maim one of the dead, only the most violent crime will be reported. NIBRS would record all of the crimes. Some states have higher rates, but if you wanted to investigate which one had a lower crime rate, look at the reporting system. My old home of South Carolina (where NIBRS was first launched, and is one the few states where ALL precincts use NIBRS) seems to have a higher crime rate than say, Georgia. But Georgia uses SRS, and therefore we have no real idea. Sorry for the absence of snark, please don't banhammer me but I thought maybe this was important to share.

One last thing, I am so sick of hearing that the stats don't take into account these imaginary, made up, 'it didn't happen because I had a gun' factors that gun fondlers bring up when stats prove them wrong. It's like Jon Stewart said: “Their paranoid fear of a possible dystopic future prevents us from addressing our actual dystopic present. We can’t even begin to address 30,000 gun deaths that are actually in reality happening in this country every year because a few of us must remain vigilant against the rise of imaginary Hitler.” Amen sir, amen.

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This is one instance where "with votes" might not be needed. Having guns dropped on him would be his equivalent of a golden shower.

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AMEN, brothers and sisters!

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"Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die."I was going to attribute that to Flip Wilson,but it was Joe Louis, WAY back in the day.

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