That was my inner recovering baptist speaking, there.

But I do wish the Flying Spaghetti Monster would cover the entire country with a nice carbonara sauce so that we wouldn't even NEED a woodshed!


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I said already I thought that was a win for championing health care, and a general reaction against Trump. I've seen no evidence that decisive numbers of not-usually-voting-Democratic voters suddenly voted Democratic or apathetic -but-firmly-Democratic voters turned out due to concerns about Trump's immigration horror-show. If there is evidence of that, great, makes me happy. Republicans winning generally due to immigration as a very prominent scare tactic, I don't think that's a controversial view.

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They slapped that a-holes name on those tents? What is going on in the real world, it has to be better than this bizzaro world I am stuck in.

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You did, sorry about that. Thank you for your input!

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How much longer until we start providing smallpox blankets to immigrants? The fall? Although, to be modern (and to capitalize on fear), it'll be ebola blankets.

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That's the "photoshoop by Wonkette" portion of the photo. Not sure why they 'shooped it rather than 'shopped it, but to each their own . . .

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Our Freedom Cages don't seem to be improving. Where's the American Exceptionalism I keep hearing about?

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Mebbe there’s a running bet on who can do it fastest while hula-hoopin’?

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Wat do you mean, torture them for no good reason? The torture, it is the reason!

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Gallows humor.

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Never ask a question that has a limitless answer. Because when you think there is a bottom, they come back with a shovel and keep going.

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Everyone knows that we've had a better mousetrap since 1913, but just haven't deployed it because the jerries might capture one and copy it.

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Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.

George Orwell, 1984

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Except the Puerto Ricans themselves don't want to become a state. In fact the only ones who do are Republicans.

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Just up the road from me. Believe it or not, it was even more of a dump 20 years ago when I first moved up here.

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That was photoshopped, but they should really put his name on the tents. The 1930s had Hoovervilles, we should have Trumpytowns. Give credit where credit (or blame) is due.

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