Barry Obama from the Block finally got around to installing the Twitter application on his Blackberry this weekend, probably after John Boehner mocked him at their Golf Summit for running around without it. The president's account to date has been filled with dry robot White House staffer tweets that made
If being a father is harder than being president, does that mean Obama gives in to his daughters more than he does to the Republicans? Because if so, I know two girls that are staying up way too late on school nights.
{looks over shoulder for ken layne}
please, barry. being sarah palin is hard. being a parent is like rolling off a log.
this is pretty much the dictionary definition of 'vapid'.
yeah, that's about right for twitter.
If being a father is harder than being president, does that mean Obama gives in to his daughters more than he does to the Republicans? Because if so, I know two girls that are staying up way too late on school nights.