Wow did I get hammered on this! Guys, I KNOW it's a Blues Brothers reference. I love the movie. In fact, I love it enough that I ignore the abomination that is Blues Brothers 2000. I was trying to be funny and clearly, missed the mark on this one.Sorry.

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Here is my problem with school board races. I don't know who the people running are. In my town, they don't have a D or R next to their names. The fliers that we get are all love, peace, and progress and you have no basis for figuring out who is lying.

I've lived here for eight years and I still can't figure out who to vote for in these elections.

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The thing is, these assholes either don't care about, or actively hate the very idea of public schools. They want to "create a crisis is public education"* in order to justify privatization charter schools and the like.

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It's a reference to a famous line in The Blues Brothers

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I've been there, nice place. Alas, all the big bones were hauled off long ago.

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Ask them who they think won the last presidential election if you get a chance.

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He is constantly using his AOL accountWell that's enough right there to know the guy is an idiot.

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The parent suggested that total chaos might be Twigg’s ultimate goal.Not necessarily. It sounds like he is just incompetent. I've heard plenty of folks ragging on the state of this-or-that who I wouldn't trust to drive a school BUS, much less a school BOARD.

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totally my reaction.

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That's the problem. They don't campaign and they don't debate. So, unless you live next to them, you probably don't know them.

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And yet -- a bunch of White Virginia voters (not White West Virginia voters, because that's a whole 'nother problem) put him in office.

That's the part we need to be thinking about.

That's the part we need to be dealing with, as a country.

And White people need to think about it more than BIPOC because BIPOC have already thought about it ... it all being a matter of survival for BIPOC, you see.

/i'm just saying

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Lawful Evil is for suckers.

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Push the folks towards charter schools, where there's more profit for special interests and control over the production of obedient, capitalist fodder.

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Burning books is so 20th century. My advice to twigg (and I'm certain he got dragged in elementary school for his name) is to post the titles of the books that are going to be "burned." Those whose copyright have run out are easily available for free online. And I'm pretty sure that something can be worked out to make at least some of the books still under copyright readily available. The only choice that these idiot monsters will have is to take all electronic devices away from their children. Ha!

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What would we expect? These assholes aren't getting on these school boards to improve schooling. They are on them to make schooling so abhorrent for normal people they take them out of public schools. It's kind of the same reason they want guns in school, to make people stop attending. Their goal here is to end public schooling as we know it and turn it into a entirely for profit exercise.

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