Let's not forget the homofascists, as if Matt Barber would let us.

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I can't help remembering The Onion headline the day after the 2008 election: Black Man Given Worst Job in America.

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I don't think I have ever seen a photo of Laura Bush pregnant with her twins, nor, for that matter, photos of Jenna and Barbara staggering around with vodka in their sippy cups.

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Hell they should have figured this out afore now,its been 6 months since some person on fox news said she was a person what had a penis and I aint never seen a person with a penis birth no kid

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So where are the pictures of Mo pregnant?

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Tranny's can't get pregnant, duuhhhhh. That's why there's no pics of "michael" being pregnant.

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Yea ... pics of me holding a baby exist but not me PG or delivering. I'm male. They look nothing like them. I offered $1000 if proof exists that's not photo shopped. I possess some sophisticated old software so I know imaging. A very fast n simple anon DNA check could be covertly made by any SS agent willing to fall on his/her sword. But since no pics exist with negatives .... yet, I'm going with cover up adopted and likely pawns in politics as truth. Someday somewhere somebody will get that DNA and put together hard proof from 3 independent labs before they publish. X or Y chromosome will be michaels downfall. Swearing under perjury n RICO are felonies. Let's hope justice punishes both by banishment and revising of every law he signed in 8 years. It's not nice to lie to Americans of all parties. If you want to bring down assholes like these ... find out who the private dicks are covering for them. Likely old crooked popo that need the $$$$ in cash so find the slush fund that pays them.

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Still can't provide any pregnant pictures hm?

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Who cares!?? Look at Malia now...she looks exactly like her mother...eyes, nose, cheeks, smile, bone structure, etc. As for Sasha, I think she's adopted, but I don't really care. There are too many children in THIS country who grow up unloved. Instead of preaching about stuff that doesn't matter, go raise a child with truly love, compassion, care, resources, discipline, direction and mentorship. Tired of these conspiracies that come from bored fat asses that just hang out in the dark because they are so insecure of who they are themselves!

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Malia (The oldest) looks just like her father

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i see the penis bulge for sure

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Michelle was too busy giving birth to Batboy to have Sacha and Malia.

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LOLz, these winger idiots are so desperate to disparage the blah president, that they'll swallow any delusional bullshit conspiracy theory. I'm not even clear on what this "never been preggo" story is supposed to prove, but connect the dots to probably something evil, and also muslin.

Anyhow, here's something totally accurate and true (because I put it on the Internet, and therefore it's read on the Internet, so it must be true): RWNJ's are not humans at all. They are alien jelly-bags filled with rage, mold and spittle, intent on destroying any civilized political discourse. And mama Palin is their hive-mind mamma. Or maybe the mama is old One-L. I confuse those dingbats.

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