<i>Too often, rival businesses will post negative and false posts to hurt their competition. With more and more people turning to online reviews, it is important to ensure that the posted information, good or bad, is from actual customers and not rival competitors.</i>

fucking hate yelp and i will sign that.

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If everyone assumes the position then no one will be on top! Say whut?

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Meanwhile anonymous campaign and super PAC donations are OK. Because money is speech according to "John Roberts", "Antonin Scalia", "Clarence Thomas", et al (obviously their porn names).

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Blowing any male that's dead, and expecting a positive result, is pretty much the same as this bill.

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I know what your uncle hates

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Who are you and what have you done with Prommie?!

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Fortunately, I'm using AppleTalk, so the law doesn't apply to me.

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Wow, posting info to turn anonymous posting into a stalking opportunity!

Please add political affiliation and religious preference as well. Also.

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<i>Finally, the legislation will help cut down on the types of mean-spirited and baseless political attacks that add nothing to the real debate and merely seek to falsely tarnish the opponent’s reputation by using the anonymity of the Web.</i>

So obviously no wingnut or birther bigot would ever be allowed to post on the inter-tubes again. How can you not love that?

While we're at it, make bad spelling and ALL CAPS illegal also. And anyone who uses "Freedom" or "Patriot" in their alias since those people are <i>always</i> foul-mouthed whackjobs.

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or disagree with my views.

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Does this mean the skullfry and beer bust are cancelled?

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