That is awesome

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Nah, they love to count money, and the Donald only lets those little guys with yarmulkes count his money. Yoooge piles of money. Too yoooge for the Donalds tiny hands.

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He even contacted a different charity asking for moneyfor a charity, then took the 150k ameros they sent, and slapped his Trump Foundation sticker on it and regifted it to a police org, that just happened to hold their dos at one of his venues, charging them 500k for 2 events. So he got cred for 150k that other people donated, and charged the event a ton of money to boot. That is how you grift like a pro.https://www.washingtonpost....

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One word to answer your query; Palin.

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and the driver had passed out drunk after a night of flinging his own poo and shrieking incoherently at passing traffic.

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Funny how those are the only AGs he donated to those years as well. Inconspicuous....

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It's hard to believe this is reality and not the plot of a movie.

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They tried to get rid of the guy but the grass roots overruled the leadership.

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Wasn't he portrayed by Griffin Dunne in Johnny Dangerously?

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It's always projection with these assholes. Always.

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Does the GOP vet their candidates at all? Trump is a disaster no matter how you look at him - his businesses, his family, his 'charity'. They have had to purposely close their eyes to not see all the shit that is stuck to this guy.

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Hey, what starving child dying of AIDS doesn't dream of getting a 6 foot tall portrait of Trump...https://media0.giphy.com/me...

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The most appalling thing about most of these corruption scandals is not that our politicians can be bought but that they can be bought so cheaply. $25k for a slice of your honor and dignity? Oh Pamela, please, have a little self respect.

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Can't wait for the Trumpanazis to get on the air waves to do their WATB routine:


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You gotta cough to get off.

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