It's so discouraging. Donald could ass munch his daughter on 5th Avenue and his people would still maintain he's the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

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Well you all may laugh but I just admire her for not letting herself go as so many young mothers do. She really puts me in mind of that beautiful and very wise song-- it's a favorite of mine-- Hey, Little Girl! by Jack Jones. And I"m sure her hubby appreciates it! Amirite or not??? Say I wonder if it's on youtube right now.

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Hearing that song is just like being strangled. I’m so glad I’m not the only one who remembers it tho— makes me feel better. Safer probably!!

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Delightful tune. I believe the theme advises housewives (the “little girls”) to tart it up a bit lest their hubbys start banging their secretaries. Ahead of its time, it was.

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Brilliantly Spicy!!!

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Daddy, Wednesday I throw you under the bus to save my own petuit…are you cool with that? I have the little babies to think of.

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like they don't have nannies who take care of the kids 24/7 - i''d be surprised if she sees her kids outside of important holiday (photoshoots)

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Who thought that that argument was good PR? Ivanka? Her lawyers?

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Ta, Liz. Shabbat Shalom. It's worth reminding ourselves that the Chinese patents Ivanka holds are for voting machines.

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Unless she had a family photo op scheduled for the same day, I doubt she would even be interacting with her kids.

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She has the kids Photoshopped into the portraits.

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

Almost as funny as Trump telling Engoron to "leave my kids alone!" Eric, the youngest of those involved in running the family fraud business, is 39, making these "kids" at or approaching middle age.

Also, are we sure Jared is the father? He seems like a Ken doll, right down to the non-junk, and you will not convince me otherwise.

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Ever since I saw Barbie I have been struck by how much Jared resembles Allan but is nowhere near as awesome.

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I have no idea what you're babbling about in your incoherent rant. You should see somewhat about that.

I'm not a professional victim. But I did live in a Displaced Persons camp in Eggenfelden, Germany from 1945 till 1950. And then we (parents and six year old me) got permission to came to America.

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Um...did you end up on the wrong site?

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

Can anyone translate this authentic frontier gibberish for the non-common clay of the old west of us? I mean wrong site doesn't begin to address the issues. Maybe the new initials for their name should be wtf instead.

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This is the wrong site. I've been trying to find the column I wrote this for but no luck yet. I've been getting all sorts of weird results when submitting comments. I'll try to track this down. I'm worried that some topics are considered sensitive and that Wonkette's software is having trouble. I'll see if this comment gets eaten ... if it does, you won't know about it.

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Ivanka was supposed to be some kind of feminist. Seems like the kind that plays the mommy card when the "president's daughter" card isn't working. I wouldn't put it past Jared to play the daddy card; having it both ways seems like this family's MO.

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"We all saw you jetting off to party on that yacht in Croatia with Wendi Deng Murdoch. Did you think anyone was going to buy your “stay-at-home mom” act and let you out of icky court stuff?"

Somehow her kids managed to make it out alive when Vanky flew to Kim Kardashians birthday party in California last week. I'm not brain genius, but I'm pretty sure NYC is closer to Florida than California is.

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I love Mean Liz Dye. Keep it up!

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Follow her podcast, Opening Arguments

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This will be GREAT!!!! I wonder if she'll remember any more than her brothers did. Probably not, as she may have intelligence equal to room temperature.

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Why not subzero? Many components of intelligence are signed quantities.

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Her brothers are subzero. She may be smarter.

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Smarter than Eric is a very low bar.

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Can't Mrs I-Wanka (Jar Ed) watch the kids?

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