Hackers - the 21st century dingo.

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I believe I, also, too, am following that account. I must blame my staff and some random third party software immediately! (The fact that I am a heterosexual man holds no bearing here...)

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And which other porn stars do these hackers specifically recommend? Asking for a friend ....

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I don't see any reason to be so snarky to the poor guy. Hackers appear to have subscribed me to about 2 dozen obscene Twitter accounts, so far. Including numerous unexplained retweets and "favorites" of <i>Hermaphrodite Farm Hookers</i>.

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<i> I must blame my staff</i>

A bad workman always blames his tool, as they say.

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Her other sister, named "Opportunity," is a totally chaste and wholesome political lobbyist.

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Me too! I accidentally the pornz because of all the HACKING! (the W is silent)

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Little-known fact: the devil never <i>makes</i> anybody do anything. He just provides the opportunity.

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Republican politicians use it ... with spectacular clumsiness. That's been a definite plus.

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Dok, I have to say I don't entirely grasp why this is a Wonkette article. If the guy were a notorious anti-porn flack, then, okay, he'd be a hypocrite. But I don't see that in the article.

What I see is a married father of three who is struggling to avoid admitting that he looks at porn on the internet. I'll admit that he gets idiot points for actually FOLLOWING a porn actress on Twitter (the devil), but really all this shows is that he is A Idiot. Admittedly, a fairly big Idiot.

But, hey, if he were a Democrat, you'd never bring this up, henngh.

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