He has been coffin a lot lately....

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Except nobody in Honeoye reads the NY Times. The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, is good enough at twisting themselves into knots ...

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Way to go, voters in the 133! You really stuck it to those establishment party leaders by electing the dead guy so the establishment party leaders can now pick the establishment party guy they want on the ballot. I'll bet he's even going to run as a party outsider going to Washington to shake up the establishment.

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RIP Republican dude, but I'm responding to this:Hillary Clinton is alive and down in the polls; // this guy is dead and a winner //***After a meeting with others in my political consultancy business, (no names and they are invisible to the human eye), we've decided to offer Hillary, free of charge, the cure for what has been ailing her campaign. And perhaps stop the slide in the polls:https://youtu.be/cKUvKE3bQlY

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Wow. Half my husband's family are from Rochester! Next time he says it's quite liberal for upstate NY, I may have to reference this article.

Also, nothing says 'personal responsibility' quite like offing yourself once you have to face the consequences of your actions. Maybe he had other issues that drove him to it, but the timing of it... hmmm.

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So this guy was a musician in his spare time? But worked backward? Typical Republican musician, I guess.

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It is my understanding that Breitbart is on top of this story.

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Don't fret about it. There are so many Republican worms lining up to destroy democracy, one John Ashcroft is neither here nor there in the scheme of things.

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We Democrats did that in Missouri in the 2000 election: we were that determined to get John Ashcroft out of the Senate. (Yeah, he went on to be AG but at least we weren't alone in having to put up with him)

His opponent was a popular former governor, Mel Carnahan; Carnahan was killed in a plane crash just two weeks before the election. Missouri's Gov. knew an opportunity when he saw one and just pledged to appoint Carnahan's widow to the seat if the deceased candidate won.

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Oy, I posted about the same thing before reading this. At our house it was a very bright point of hilarity in an otherwise depressing election. No disrespect meant to Carnahan's family: it must have been a difficult, and chaotic, time for them

Yeah, Ashcroft became AG but if he hadn't been appointed it would have been someone worse. And he was due to become a national-level horse's ass, rather than just statewide.

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The oil exec should've just asked Wells Fargo.

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Ah been on my local news since the found his body in the cemetery not far from my house. This guy would be on the local news regularly espousing the latest right-wing BS with gusto. And to find out he was a criminal, and not a person with the guts to stand up for his transgressions was not surprising.

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Of corpse it is.

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The city of Rochester with all the universities and colleges is in fact fairly liberal. Get out of the city and you're in Carl Paladino country. This article from CNN will give you some insight into what it's like when you get of town: http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/...

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Yes, I'm sadly aware of NY state's reputation. Most segregated city in the US last year, was it? I am a native Londoner (sadly not there any longer) and so I have no desire to go anywhere where there isn't a healthy mix of people.

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Republicans prefer a dead criminal for a political candidate than a live non criminal.

Oops, did I just say Republicans? I mean Trumpians.

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