It might've gotten her to rethink that whole tragic-optimist thang about humans being inherently good. I know it has that effect on <i>me.</i>

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I just learned (through nearly involuntary movie-night cruelty) that "The Parent Trap" was based on a novel that sounds rather German.

Now that I typed that, I can't tell if it supports or refutes your claim.

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I read that as "triangular grade."

Many the happy report card day I tried not to brag about my isosceles-plus marks.

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Where's the challenge in that?

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You're not sayin', you're just sayin'.

/ And that's why all the snarky kidz look up to you

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You cannot possibly expect to slip an assertion like that, past <i>this</i> crowd, without copious photographic evidence.

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Is that the sound of Final Draft screenwriting software windows opening...?

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And we all know you're way too smart to put "RNC" in a sentence, and "values" in the very next sentence.

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That "man" in our White House ruins everythang!!!!!1!

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I blame the stoopid libs. They've conditioned kids and former kids (their parents) to believe that "winning" and "losing" are more unnatural than missionary-position sex. In their deeply confused way of crushing initiative, they insist on this massively exaggerated emphasis on <i>victimhood...</i>

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Imagine the profound level of brain injury that would be required to confuse <i>those</i> two. It would be like that one guy who mistook his wife for a hat. Or, in this instance, a sizzling bag of rage with a nice lady.

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NaBoo, Herr Doktor! Shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame! Your nerd cred is in jeopardy!

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Once again, I apologize on behalf of Canada.

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My son's friend met him before he became famous. Verdict: asshole. (which is what I have heard from hometown school people too. Bully.)

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I think the children would have enjoyed presenting a treatise on the efforts of Elizabeth Warren, whose goal of regulating really large banks using laws with the equivalent penalty of a 12-inch dildo in the rectum of their CEOs and Board of Directors, would have been a more thought provoking exercise.

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Nothing's better than a breaded pork tenderloin on a Kaiser roll.

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