R'Amen. *shudder* Am a fairly new denizen of the AZ (2013) and feel exactly the same way. What a fkn mess she turns out to be, huh ? Silly bint can go the fuck away any time, pls. \FFS
Why doesn't he do that thing? Come on, I can't stand hearing he's going to have to succumb like that. How extreme and destructive does the GOP have to get before Democrats are willing to change things around?
Why doesn't anyone strategize to fix the president's reputation? All those GOP thugs ---Jordan Hawley etc who, in hearings treat Democratic witnesses from the gov't, in fact all witnesses--- as notorious felons-- and jeer at them with invented--- there's actually no scandal-- just by insisting on something the witness refuses to agree to-- they create an appearance of serious wrongdoing. These witnesses go away feeling God knows what sort of ruination in their lives-- for nothing except the appearance that Josh Hawley has sniffed out more corruption in "Biden's government" and the commenters all Bless him and CALL HIM SIR!
I doubt RFKj will have any impact at all. His face is too miserable for one thing. If Trump is running I doubt if anyone will throw their vote away. But it still may be true as Michael Cohen claimed that he'd never ever run again-- since he could never bear that feeling of losing.
Dems will always be hurt more. The whole “No Labels” movement is designed to appeal to those centrists who are repelled by the GOP’s embrace of white nationalism but are wary that democrats are going to defund the police.
In other words, the people who buy into the “both sides” bill shit.
She’s even more loathsome than I previously thought. So self-centered and self-righteous. What great plans did she have for those lost five minutes? She certainly wasn’t saving democracy or making the world better place (unless she was planning her exit from politics).
R'Amen. *shudder* Am a fairly new denizen of the AZ (2013) and feel exactly the same way. What a fkn mess she turns out to be, huh ? Silly bint can go the fuck away any time, pls. \FFS
Why doesn't he do that thing? Come on, I can't stand hearing he's going to have to succumb like that. How extreme and destructive does the GOP have to get before Democrats are willing to change things around?
Why doesn't anyone strategize to fix the president's reputation? All those GOP thugs ---Jordan Hawley etc who, in hearings treat Democratic witnesses from the gov't, in fact all witnesses--- as notorious felons-- and jeer at them with invented--- there's actually no scandal-- just by insisting on something the witness refuses to agree to-- they create an appearance of serious wrongdoing. These witnesses go away feeling God knows what sort of ruination in their lives-- for nothing except the appearance that Josh Hawley has sniffed out more corruption in "Biden's government" and the commenters all Bless him and CALL HIM SIR!
I doubt RFKj will have any impact at all. His face is too miserable for one thing. If Trump is running I doubt if anyone will throw their vote away. But it still may be true as Michael Cohen claimed that he'd never ever run again-- since he could never bear that feeling of losing.
Thanks. It had caught my eye and I didn't bother dating the article. I assumed it was current.
Five minutes? Hasn’t this egomaniac ever heard of buffer time?
Once again, Arizonan here. We want her out and by golly we're doing next year! (Raised fist Emoji)
“Running as a republican in 2024” has been moving up on my list.
Agreed. I get it if you don't like him - and I sure don't - but he's the most liberal Senator we're going to get out of WV
THIS. She's good copy. You know what? So is a fucking train wreck or mass shooting.
I just cannot wait until that useless attention whore gets thrown the fuck out of politics for good.
May this “party of one” soon discover that she has an electorate of one.
Dems will always be hurt more. The whole “No Labels” movement is designed to appeal to those centrists who are repelled by the GOP’s embrace of white nationalism but are wary that democrats are going to defund the police.
In other words, the people who buy into the “both sides” bill shit.
She has never had a real job before.There seems to be a pattern of that in congress.
That's why President Biden will invoke the 14th Amendment and tell the republiCLOWNS to go fuck themselves.
She’s even more loathsome than I previously thought. So self-centered and self-righteous. What great plans did she have for those lost five minutes? She certainly wasn’t saving democracy or making the world better place (unless she was planning her exit from politics).