Librarians have always had to deal with nutjobs. Now the nutjobs hold political office.

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My Mom is a liberrian. She has some things to say about that constantly repeated question.

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And there's a LOT of them. Just like all the crazy people who camp out at the liberry.

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Which is why they hate public education.

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Libraries contain ideas of every imaginable sort and they are equally available to all. Meanwhile, conservative ideas must be accompanied by guns and shielded from all other ideas.

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NYTimes is basically getting dragged into reporting on the fact that librarians are being terrorized. Probably because librarians are still for the most part super popular. You can tell that the editors were kicking and screaming the whole time this article was being put together by how they carefully pussy foot around the fact that republicans are doing and supporting said terrorizing

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I thought maybe one of their less talented reporters wandered into a library during his or her cletus safari.

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Yeah but that's heterosexual smut like God intended.

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Amish romance novels are real, people.

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Damn that is a good thing to know. Because there is nothing worse than slogging through to the end of a formulaic romance story without getting some hot, hot sexytimes.

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Oh no! A... high school mascot? That's all they got?

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This whole library book banning/burning crusade is rather stupid. I mean what's the endgame here? So far it looks like these Republicans are scapegoating librarians. What about the authors and the book companies and the bookstores where these books come from? Oh, they have lawyers and money and will fight any censorship tooth and nail to the last lawyer. Picking on librarians is some weak, twisted shit.

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My library is too small and underfunded to do cool things like drag-queen story hours, but we certainly haven't had any complaints about our pride display. In my experience complaints tend to come from people with poor critical thinking skills, those who don't understand that materials depicting sexism, racism, homophobia etc, aren't the same as materials that promote these things. At least their hearts are in the right place, unlike the right-wing and religious extremists that seem to plague my colleagues in the U.S.A.

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So, Dean Baquet's out as executive editor at NYT, and they still can't clearly relate facts.

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Our American watchdogs aren't watching. They're going out of their way to present a picture that it is Americans as a whole that is the problem. Not any different than accusing Democrats of not having any room in their party for moderates because we're constantly talking about LGBTQ+ people and representing people that think police shouldn't kill Black people. They don't mention the attacks by the GOP on the LGBTQ+ community. They don't mention the reasons we might want to reign in some of the worst practices of local police departments. Reading it you would be allowed to think that Democrats support of these policies occurred randomly. That Democrats talk about these things because we've lost our way not because we are defending people's right to live their lives without threats, intimidation, and even death. It has become ridiculous. A farce.

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The loons will eventually come after school libraries for including daily editions of the NY Times in their offerings, since the Right somehow believes that it is actually a leftist media leader.

Seeing the Times cover that should be amusing...

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